Розвиток одностроїв радянської міліції, відтворений у творах кіномистецтва

Paper analyzes the development of the uniform of the Soviet militia in films produced before 1991. A classification of films is carried out regarding the time of events that are showed in them. The uniform of the militia, depicted in film frames, is analyzed on the basis of archival and documentary sources, inaccuracies in its reflection are considered, the reliability of tracking changes made to the uniform of the Soviet police is studied. The necessity of creating specialized publications on the development of uniforms to improve the quality of works of art and historical research on the activities of the militia (police) was noted.
кіно, фільм, кінострічка, кіностудія, однострій, знаки розрізнення, відображення, cinema, film, film studio, uniform, insignia, reflection