Правове регулювання перевірки на доброчесність працівників Національного антикорупційного бюро України. Legal regulation of the integrity test of employees of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.

Дисертація є першою спробою визначити особливості правового регулювання перевірки на доброчесність працівників Національного антикорупційного бюро України та формулювання пропозицій і рекомендацій щодо його вдосконалення. На підставі аналізу як нормативного, так і емпіричного досвіду врегулювання та реалізації перевірок на доброчесність зарубіжних країн запропоновано авторське розуміння доброчесності та перевірки на доброчесність працівника Національного антикорупційного бюро України. У даному науковому дослідженні розкрито сутність механізму проведення перевірки на доброчесність та його складових елементів, визначено її мету, принципи, предмет, суб’єктний та об’єктний склад, сформульовано їх взаємні права та обов’язки, форми й методи перевірки, акти її реалізації. Дано визначення та здійснено класифікацію результатів перевірки на доброчесність, проаналізовано їх наслідки для працівників Національного бюро. Ініційовано пропозиції щодо внесення змін та доповнень до законодавчих і підзаконних нормативно-правових актів, якими врегульовано перевірку на доброчесність працівників Національного антикорупційного бюро України. Диссертация является первой попыткой определить особенности правового регулирования проверки на доброчестность работников Национального антикоррупционного бюро Украины и формулирования предложений и рекомендаций по его совершенствованию. На основании анализа как нормативного, так и эмпирического опыта урегулирования и реализации проверок на доброчестность зарубежных стран предложено авторское понимание доброчестности и проверки на доброчестность работника Национального антикоррупционного бюро Украины. Thesis research is the first attempt to determine peculiarities of the legal regulation of the integrity test of the workers of National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and to define offers and recommendations for its improvement. The applicability of the thesis research theme is based on the absence of proper research of this legal instrumentarium, the necessity for theoretical development of the conceptual framework, principles and methods of conducting the stated measure of preventing corruption, that actually enables its proper use and application. Especially, considering the well-known constitutional postulate for public authorities, provided by Part 2 of Article 19 of the Constitution of Ukraine, where public and local authorities, their officials are obliged to act only on the basis, within the powers and in the manner provided by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. Based on the results of studying statistical and empirical data that characterize the activity of the Department of Internal Control of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, it has been established that the specified internal control devision has conducted 54 integrity tests, 4 of which have negative results. The current legislation of Ukraine also provides functioning of the institute of integrity tests for the State Bureau of Investigation and the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption, which due to absence of proper understanding of the meaning of specified measure haven’t made any attempts for proper regulation of its conduct, and to implement it in practice accordingly. The issues of detecting offenses committed by law enforcement officers, including corruption and corruption-related offenses, are complicated and important not only for domestic administrative law, but also for legislation of the world countries. The relevancy of the outlined issues for Ukraine is growing in terms of more intensed transformational changes, which spread on law enforcement agencies and legal regulation of their activities, and causes a search of a modern way of their solution. In general, the study of Ukrainian and foreign scientific researches on the subject shows the absence of the unified approach to understanding the integrity, integrity test, the order of its conduct, the range of human rights and freedoms, which can be restricted, which has a negative impact on law enforcement practice as the operation of various models of integrity test, and therefore requires a comprehensive study and development of proposals to improve administrative legislation in this area. On the basis of analysis of both normative and empirical experience of settlement and realization of integrity tests of foreign countries, the authors understanding of the integrity and integrity test of an employee of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is offered. This scientific research also reveals the essence of the mechanism of integrity test conduction and its constituent elements, defines its purpose, principles, subject, subject and object composition, formulates their mutual rights and responsibilities, forms and methods of test, acts of its implementation. The results of integrity tests are defined and classified, as well as their consequences were analyzed for the employees of the National Bureau. Offers for making amendments and attachments to legislative and bylaws normative legal acts have been initiated, which regulate the integrity test of employees of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. It has been suggested to establish a procedure for the integrity test conduct in a separate article of Law of Ukraine “About the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine”, which will consist of the following stages: 1) collection and processing of data on each employee of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine in order to identify any information that may indicate his non-integrity behavior; 2) making an official note that includes information about possible non-integrity behavior of a specific employee of the National Bureau with the documentary evidences; 3) making a decision by the Head of the Department of Internal Control on whether to conduct the integrity test or not; 4) appeal or non-appeal of the decision of the Head of the Department by an employee of the Department; 5) composing an integrity test plan; 6) preliminary simulation of the situation by people who will conduct the integrity test; 7) logistical support for the integrity test; 8) the integrity test; 9) a report on the results of the integrity test; 10) informing the Director of the National Bureau about the results of the integrity test. The foreign experience of applying the integrity test has been studied, its positive aspects for introduction into the national legal system are highlighted.
публічна служба, перевірка на доброчесність, стандарт доброчесності, негативні результати перевірки на доброчесність, корупція, дисциплінарна відповідальність, public service, internal control devision, integrity test, integrity standard, negative results of integrity test, mechanism of integrity test conduction, corruption, disciplinary responsibility