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    (2018) Мамотенко, П.І.; Mamotenko, P.I.
    The paper deals with issues related to conducting scientific researching in the department of the armed forces of the laboratory for the certification of manual firearms and special means of self-defense within the framework of the research of the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Development of departmental general technical requirements and programs, methods of testing sniper rifles for the purpose of obtainig samples of sniper weapons for the needs of the National Police, the National Guard and the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The purpose of the paper is systematization existing differences in the use of sniper weapons by police and army snipers such as: legality and policy of combat using, distance of firing, character of purpose, shooting, exchange of rifles, etc.,study of the influence of these differences on the formulation of specific requirements for sniper weapons used by divisions National Police. Highlights problems that formed in the industry due to the lag of the normative base from the needs of the present, and the ways of their solution. The necessity of accreditation for the requirements of the standard DSTU ISO / IEC 17025: 2006 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” of the testing laboratory for improving the quality of tests is substantiated. Features of combat application of sniper rifles in police units and their influence on tactics, organization, equipment, planning, the whole sphere of sniper works is considered. Data is provided on the current requirements for firing taking into account the capabilities of sniper weapons. The analysis of components of a sniper rifle and their influence on the quality of sniper weapons in general is carried out. The main types of inspections that are used in the process of developing a program and techniques for testing sniper rifles are given. Requirements for the use of the methods specified in international, regional, national standards or manufacturer’s recommended test equipment are formulated. The necessity of evaluating the suitability of their own design methods for their application in test laboratories accredited to meet the requirements of DSTU ISO / IEC 17025: 2006 was stressed.
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    Дослідження матеріалів для захисту людини від шкідливих чинників навколишнього середовища. RESEARCH OF MATERIALS TO PROTECT HUMAN FROM HARMFULL ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES
    (2018) Дячок, Т.М.; Diachok, T.M.; Березенко, С.М.; Bereznenko, S.M.; Бакал, В.П.; Bakal, V.P.; Александров, М.Є.; Aleksandrov, M.Ye.
    The paper is devoting to researching of properties of materials for protection of the person from harmful factors. The issue of protecting people from the influence of external harmful factors to date is very relevant. There are a number of factors, constitutes a threat to the human health in the process of life. The nature of the dangerous influence on the person of external factors is quite diverse by nature of origin, the nature of interaction with the organism and the consequences that cause the action of harmful factors. For protect against the influence of dangerous harmful factors, personal protective equipment is used, the leading place among which is the special protective clothing. When designing protective clothing, important to investigate the properties of materials, as well as the impact of the processes of clothing use on the properties of these materials. The analysis of harmful factors and the study of general properties of protective materials was carried out by analytical and observation methods. Investigation of the influence of operation factors on the change of the properties of textile materials for protective clothing was carried out by experimental method (for the experiment, a tear-off machine of the brand RT-250 was used). The scientific novelty determined by the influences of the washing process on the values of bursting and elongation during the rupture of materials for the manufacture of protective clothing (fabric CORDURA NIR and CORDURA MK, jersey Cool- Max). Based on the results of the study, the authors conclude that the wet processing improves the bursting characteristics of the materials being studied. At the same time, the authors emphasize the need for a comprehensive study of the quality indicators of the materials in question in order to fully determine their protective properties. In the conclusions, the authors suggest the use of investigated fabrics for the manufacture of protective clothing for protection against mechanical damage, and also indicate that the jersey under study does not lose the strength characteristics during washing. Research materials can be used to improve the design of clothing protective special.
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    Методика вибору раціонального режиму механізованого зварювання броньових конструкцій. PROCEDURE OF SELECTING THE RATIONAL MODE OF MECHANIZED WELDING OF ARMORED STRUCTURES
    (2018) Смерницький, Д.В.; Smernytskyi, D.V.; Гуляєв, А.В.; Huliaiev, A.V.; Диких, О.В.; Dykykh, O.V.; Кисіль, М.В.; Kysil, M.V.
    The analysis of experience of lead through of local conflicts and special operations revealed, that considerable censures are in relation to reliability of the armored structures in part of firmness to the defeat of the weld-fabricated connections, and the searches of decisions require active in relation to the improvement of technological efficiency of processes of making of the armored constructions a welding method, and especially choice of rational method, taking into account the technical and economic features of concrete enterprise, and his introductions. Thus, the purpose of the paper is the exposition of the scientifically of the methodical vehicle from the ground of choice of the rational technological process of welding the armored structures, which is determined, in particular, by the choice of method that provides the most firmness to the action of striking factors and their longevity at the least charges on their making. As a result of analysis of existent scientifically-methodical vehicle from the ground of choice of method of the mechanized welding of the armored constructions and their rational mode perspective direction of management is certain by the transfer of electrode metal in the process of the mechanized welding by the modulated current, namely welding by powder-like wire with his irregular serve, that gives an opportunity of receipt of quality layer of metal, and also reduction of temperature influence on a parent metal. On the basis of the stated, the sequence of calculation determination of the rational mode of the mechanized welding offers the modulated current, coming from the necessary indexes of welding connection, set as the defined values or having a special purpose orientation with the use of mathematical models, that represent dependences of indexes on the parameters of the mode. The technical recommendations, that is directed on an increase efficiency of rational choice method of welding of the armored constructions worked out organizationally, taking into account technological and economic features, give an opportunity to improve technological efficiency of processes making the armored constructions with a method welding, that will allow to get for subdivisions MIA of Ukraine transport vehicles, able to provide more reliable protection of life of the personnel, to perform tasks in the East of our state, in future.
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    Дослідження патронів травматичної дії, які виробляються в Україні. INVESTIGATION OF TRAUMATIC ACTION CARTRIDGE PRODUCED IN UKRAINE
    (2018) Власов, В.А.; Vlasov, V.A.; Гутянтов, С.В.; Hutiantov, S.V.; Біляєва, О.Д.; Biliaieva, O.D.; Криворучко, О.В.; Kryvoruchko, O.V.
    The paper analyzes the development of production in Ukraine of non-lethal (traumatic) cartridges intended for shooting from short-barreled devices of non-lethal force and smooth-bore rifles. Their tactical and technical characteristics are considered: caliber, overall dimensions (length, diameter), mass of the ball, velocity of the ball at a distance of 3.5 m from the bullous cut, the diameter of the scattering (bulk density), the mass of the cartridge, the distance of application, and others. The general technical requirements of JOE 78-41-016: 2013 are given to cartridges, used by manufacturers in designing technical specifications, namely: basic characteristics and specifications, requirements for designation, reliability, constructive requirements. The schematic representation of cartridges for smoothbore rifles, equipped with an elastic ball and cartridge, a general view of non-lethal impact pistol and revolving cartridges, a ballistic barrel for measuring the flight speed of a projectile, with indication of the requirements for the material from which the trunk must be made, is shown. The classification conclusion on cartridges of non-lethal action based on medical- biological researches of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is substantiated. In view of the aforesaid information, the paper contains a classification conclusion . The main criteria for determining the severity of the damage to a biological object have been noted. The necessity of mandatory certification of non-lethal (traumatic) cartridges for compliance with the requirements of normative documents and the development of technical regulations is considered. The information provided in the paper may be used by forensic units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for ballistic research of firearms and traumatic weapons and cartridges to it.
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    РОзвиток інноваційних технологій у сучасному виробництві спеціального взуття. DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIES IN MODERN PRODUCTION OF SPECIAL FOOTWEAR
    (2018) Ващук, Н.Ф.; Vashchuk, N.F.; Диких, В.О.; Dykykh, V.O.
    The paper concentrates on innovative technologies in the modern production of special footwear. Authors define the concept of “innovation” and innovative technologies. On the basis of theoretical analysis, with a few practical examples in the field of industrial production and publications, the diversity of advanced technologies is highlighted. However, today the topics of most scientific sources are devoted to innovative technologies in the production of sports, medical, casual shoes. Accordingly, there is a need to use the latest developments in the special footwear that would meet the specific conditions of wearing. The analysis of scientific sources made it possible to outline several areas of influence of innovative technologies and their application in the contemporary design of special design shoes. The authors present the results of the research of innovative technologies in modern production where the structural features of the construction of footwear, can be introduced in the manufacture of special footwear are considered. However, today the topics of most scientific sources are devoted to innovative technologies in the production of sports, medical, casual shoes. Accordingly, there is a need to use the latest developments in the special footwear that would meet the specific conditions of wearing. The analysis of scientific sources made it possible to outline several areas of influence of innovative technologies and their application in the contemporary design of special design shoes. The authors represent the results of the research of innovative technologies in modern production, where the structural features of the construction of footwear that can be introduced in the manufacture of special footwear. With such principles in mind, the authors argue, that innovative shoe manufacturing technologies are not just about design, but also the use of the latest materials for the top of the footwear, the substrate, intermediate materials and the sole, the method of joints and technology implementation. The scientific novelty is the idea of combining the best features and traditional forms of shoes, basic design solutions and innovative materials, promising application of research in the development of models of special shoes, which in the future will lead to the newest design and new forms of ergonomics of a new level of comfort. The conclusions analyzed the main directions of application of innovative technologies in the manufacture of modern special footwear. But it is noted that research results have the prospect of applying innovative technologies in special training. The materials of the article can be used to improve the design and manufacturing process of special footwear for employees of the National Police departments of the National Guard of Ukraine and other military formations.