Оцінка ефективності світлосигнальної системи аеродрому в інфрачервоному діапазоні електромагнітних хвиль. ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE AERODROME LIGHT SIGNALING SYSTEM IN THE RANGE OF INFRARED ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES

The reliable operation of the aerodrome lighting system is indispensable for the safety and regularity of civil aviation flights. It must meet all the requirements of all- weather conditions, dailiness and jamming resistance. At the present stage, the robot vision equipment is being developed, which, according to many technical and operational parameters, has advantages over lighting equipment, designed for visual perception of cues. The aerodrome beam signal complex is a rather complicated topological system that solves the problems of detecting, recognizing, identifying signals and objects. Maximizing the efficiency of the technical part of the complex requires the search for physical and technical possibilities for optimizing its components: radiation sources, atmospheric channel, optical system and photodetector. The specified group of components of infrared (IR) communication channel is multiplicative, that is expressed at the ratio of signal / noise at the output of the photodetector. The optimization of the radiation source in the lighting equipment is successful by replacing traditional incandescent lamps with LED (Light-emitted diode) lamps. However, the energy competitiveness of quasi-monochromatic semiconductor diodes of infrared radiation in comparison with thermal radiators is not obvious, since such sources also radiate most of the energy consumed in a wide infrared spectrum range. Therefore, a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the signaling system in the IR wavelength range for two different sources was conducted: a semiconductor infrared diode and an ideal tungsten filament. For this purpose, a generalized formula is used to calculate the number of signal electrons on one pixel of the matrix photodetector for several atmospheric transparency windows. It is established that for a thermal vision camera of industrial production, the ratio of signal / noise of the IR diode of serial production (even with incomplete coherence of spectra) is 1.7 times more than for an ideal tungsten filament of equal power. When comparing signals in a common transparency window, the excess reaches 14 times. This result is achieved, despite the non-optimal conditions for using an IR diode due to its high energy efficiency. The results show that the IR beam signal system will have even higher performance with the absolute coherence of the IR diode radiation spectrum with the photodetector photosensitivity spectrum and the choice of working wavelengths within the atmospheric transparency windows.
світлосигнальна система, інфрачервоний діапазон хвиль, аеронавігаційні комплекси, електронно-оптичні прилади, light signal system, infrared wavelength range, aeronautical complexes, electron-optical devices