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У статті виокремлено такі основні питання: визначення основних чинників криміналізації діянь, розглянуто та розділено ознаки кіберзлочинів, правової, так і соціальної природи злочинів цього виду. Розвинуто положення про те, що переважаючу частку осіб, які вчиняють кіберзлочини, становлять особи, для яких спосіб вчинення злочину – із застосуванням електронних приладів та пристроїв і кіберпростору, не є визначальним, а обрано через його реальну доступність. Зроблено висновок, що причиною кіберзлочинів є комплекс сваволі та ілюзій, який охоплює чотири етапи: від формування комплексу під впливом низки обставин до безпосереднього вчинення кіберзлочину. The paper highlights the following main issues: determination of the main factors of criminalization of actions, features of cybercrimes, legal and social nature of crimes of this type are considered and divided. The provision has been developed that the majority of persons who commit crimes that have cyber features are persons for whom the method of committing a crime using electronic devices and devices and cyberspace is not decisive, but was chosen due to its real availability. It was established that the reason for committing cybercrimes is a complex of arbitrariness and illusions, which covers the stages from the formation of the complex under the influence of a number of circumstances to the direct commission of a cybercrime. Moreover, the conditions that contribute to the manifestation of a complex of willfulness and illusions can be almost any factors that affect the moment a person commits a cybercrime: receiving certain information, the corresponding emotional state, the appearance of the victim or relevant accomplices, etc. The classification of motives has also been established, taking into account both the legal and social nature of the motive for the crime. Within its limits, the motives for committing cybercrimes can be divided into: 1) antisocial, which include: self-interested motive (due to the desire to obtain material benefits); hooligan motive (caused by disrespect for society and social institutions as a whole); personal motive (due to the desire to harm a specific person); 2) asocial motives that are related to the satisfaction of a person's needs in a way prohibited by law, but which are not directly aimed at causing harm to specific persons); 3) pseudo-social – worldview-ideological motive (due to the desire to spread certain views or guidelines); socio-political motive (desire to influence the course of events in public life or state life) 6) research (due to interest in illegal or criminal direction); 4) protosocial, e.g., following an order, patriotic motives, etc. It was concluded that the cause of cybercrimes is a complex of arbitrariness and illusions, which covers four stages: from the formation of the complex under the influence of a number of circumstances (the availability of using the technical capabilities of electronic devices, the availability of knowledge and skills in their use, the feeling of anonymity and impunity of using cyberspace) to the direct committing a cybercrime.
причини та умови вчинення кіберзлочинів, кіберзлочин, кіберпростір, електронні прилади та пристрої, кіберзлочинець, кібербезпека, електронно-обчислювальна машина, комп’ютер, reasons and conditions for committing cybercrimes, cybercrime, cyberspace, electronic devices, cybercriminal, cyber security, electronic computing machine, computer