Удосконалення вітчизняного законодавства шляхом адаптації до англійської термінології.Improvement of Domestic Legislation by Adapting it to English Terminology

dc.contributor.authorКолюшева, О. С.
dc.contributor.authorKoliusheva, O.
dc.description.abstractУ статті проаналізовано процес удосконалення вітчизняного законодавства шляхом адаптації його до англійської термінології. Автор обстоює думку, згідно з якою англійська мова має бути обовʼязковою мовою на науково-практичних і науково-теоретичних конференціях. Важливо, щоб у фахових виданнях друкували статті саме англійською мовою з високим рівнем адаптації перекладу.It has been determined that domestic legislator understands the necessity of studying and distributing the English language, therefore the law establishes the requirement for a certificate that would confirm the necessary level of English language proficiency. In addition, researchers and scientists must learn not only the results of domestic science but also engage in global achievements, which are possible only through knowledge of a sufficient level of English language. Furthermore, it is also necessary to initiate the translation of results of fundamental research in administrative law of Ukraine. Certainly, they will become not only the property of the Ukrainian nation, but the entire world scientific community. This will ensure the dynamic development of domestic science, continuous movement forward and orientation to the result. It has been revealed that the graduate students and postgraduate students should also present the results of their dissertation in English, we believe that at least one third of the report should be exactly that language. Moreover, at least one third of the questions should also be asked in English, this will confirm the establishment of feedback between students and the commission, and will ensure that all members of the commission have a high level of English. Thus, Ukraine is on European integration way. Ukrainian government, parliament, as well as public organizations take the necessary measures to study, disseminate and develop English as a language of international communication. However, there is still a lot ahead. Obviously, the joint efforts of each member of society can achieve a general positive result and Ukraine will successfully become an equal member of the European Union.uk_UA
dc.subjectадміністративно-правова термінологіяuk_UA
dc.subjectвітчизняне законодавствоuk_UA
dc.subjectЄвропейський Союзuk_UA
dc.subjectadministrative-legal terminologyuk_UA
dc.subjectdomestic legislationuk_UA
dc.subjectEuropean Unionuk_UA
dc.titleУдосконалення вітчизняного законодавства шляхом адаптації до англійської термінології.Improvement of Domestic Legislation by Adapting it to English Terminologyuk_UA
local.vidЗбірники наукових праць, матеріали конференцій (семінарів, круглих столів).uk_UA
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