Статтю присвячено визначенню особливостей правового статусу спортивних федерацій в Україні. Авторами встановлено, що правовий статус спортивних федерацій є гібридним. З одного боку, вони є підзвітні центральному органу виконавчої влади, а з іншого вони є автономними та самостійно визначають напрямки своєї діяльності, серед яких: організація та проведення всеукраїнських, регіональних, міжнародних змагань; затвердження регламентів, положень, кодексів та забезпечення їх виконання; впровадження системи атестації клубів, тренерів та інших фахівців у сфері спорту; засновування для досягнення своїх статутних цілей та завдань установ, підприємств і організацій, участь у цивільно-правових відносинах, набуття майнових і немайнових прав; визначення механізму вирішення спортивних спорів тощо. The Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" provides for the delegation of powers for the development of the relevant sport, organization and holding of official international and all-Ukrainian sports competitions on the territory of Ukraine, etc. to public associations of physical culture and sports orientation. At the same time, it is difficult to talk about the complete autonomy of sports federations, since the sports federation, among other things, ensures cooperation with the structural units of local state administrations and local self-government bodies regarding the development of the respective sport; agrees with the Ministry, relevant local bodies of executive power and local self-government bodies on the issue of holding international sports competitions on the territory of Ukraine; implements and demands the same implementation from its members of the decisions of the Ministry, relevant contracts with local executive bodies in the field of physical culture and sports; submits a report on the use of budget funds in case of financial support from the state budget to a sports federation for the development of a sport, organization and holding of sports events; is obliged to submit a report to the Ministry on the state of implementation of the cooperation agreement, etc. every year. The peculiarity of the legal status of sports federations in various sports is that they can be created only as non-commercial organizations. At the same time, sports federations can independently or through legal entities created by them carry out entrepreneurial activities, if such activities are not their main activity and correspond to the purpose for which they were created and contribute to its achievement. The legal status of sports federations is hybrid. On the one hand, they are accountable to the central body of executive power - the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, and on the other hand, they are autonomous and independently determine the directions of their activities, including: organization and holding of competitions; approval of internal documents and their implementation; implementation of the system of certification of clubs, coaches and other specialists in the field of sports; establishment of institutions, enterprises and organizations to achieve their statutory goals and objectives, participation in civil-law relations, acquisition of property and non-property rights; determination of the mechanism for resolving sports disputes.
спортивне право, спортивні федерації, громадські об’єднання, sports law, sports federations, public associations