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    Відеоспостереження в публічних місцях та права громадян на приватність: досвід Сполучених Штатів Америки
    (2018) Харина, Ю.А.
    Paper considers the issue of the balance between the technical capabilities of civil video surveillance systems and the right of citizens to privacy, the capabilities of these systems to violate the basic rights of citizens. It is stated the insufficient, against expectations, effectiveness of solving the problems of fighting crime, for which these systems are designed, with simultaneous permanent violation of civil rights. An example of the rules for the introduction of civil video surveillance systems is provided, which are intended to help support of the aforementioned balance, offered for use in the United States.
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    Єдність вимірування як основа забезпечення якості випробувань
    (2018) Филь, Р.С.; Біляєва, О.Д.
    Paper considers the development of standardization in the world. Metrological activity is considered as a basis for ensuring the uniformity of measurements in Ukraine. It is defined as a separate key concept in the field of standardization. The main components of the measurement management system in testing laboratories were studied. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of state requirements regarding the uniformity of measurements in the conduct of scientific and technical developments in the testing laboratory of the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.