Бортун Каріна ОлександрівнаBortun Karina2024-03-152024-03-152019https://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/handle/123456789/29474Бортун К. Категорія імперативності в офіційно-діловому стилі: статус, функції. Лiнгвiстичнi студії. Linguistic Studies: зб. наук. праць. Донецький нац. ун-т ім. Василя Стуса; гол. ред. Ж. Краснобаєва-Чорна. Вінниця: ДонНУ ім. Василя Стуса, 2019. Вип. 38. С. 30−34.У статті розглянуто функційно-стильові риси імператива, охарактеризовано особливості структури висловлення в офіційно-діловому дискурсі з погляду реалізації граматичних засобів вираження категорії імператива, схарактеризовано чинники, що впливають на семантичне варіювання спонукання в офіційно-діловому стилі. In the linguistic writings of recent years, we see the intensification of studies of imperativity in different styles of language O. Daskaliuk, O. Matsko, O. Narushevych-Vasylieva, O. Shatilova and others. This is due to the relevance of the study of the stimulating forms and meanings in various aspects: structural-semantic, functional, pragmatic, communicative. At the present stage, a detailed study of the means of expressing the category of imperativ in the official business style is required, which determines the relevance of this work. Purpose: The purpose of the article is to reveal the means of expressing the category of imperative in the official business style. Results: An important role for the implementation of the motive in the text of the business document is played by a performative paradigm, the presence of one of the options which determines the pragmatic orientation of the text of the business document. Тhe official business style.prompting is often hypothetical. Official business motivation often combines the features of imperative and narrative on the one hand, and different sub-types of motivation on the other. The character of the semantic variation of motifs in a formal business style is influenced by the status of the speaker and the addressee. In the official business style are underused the imperative forms so the requests are made not with prescriptive forms, but with templates with performative verbs. However in oral language, clerks use the imperative to refer to a group of persons (the addressee of the plural) using neutral label forms linguistic cliches and elements of clerical vocabulary. Discussion: In the official business style imperative is use a reflection of the national and cultural features of native speakers. Important role in the formation of connotative values is played by indicators of the communicative situation in which business communication takes place. The specificity of the connotations of the official imperative lies in the active use of peripheral means of indirect motivation: performative verbs + modal components; transfer of modal shades of duty, necessity, expediency; presence of incentive clichés; use of infinitive constructs for categorical orders; direct word order that ensures the accuracy and logic of the promptings; the dependence of the choice of incentives on the type and purpose of the document. The prospects for further research are seen in typologized the means of expressing imperativeness in texts of different types and genres, exploring the imperative expressions of different system languages in a comparative aspect.uk-UAімператив, категорія спонукання, імперативна ситуація, каузація, стиль, стилістика, imperative, incentive category, imperative situation, causation, style, stylisticsКАТЕГОРІЯ ІМПЕРАТИВНОСТІ В ОФІЦІЙНО-ДІЛОВОМУ СТИЛІ: СТАТУС, ФУНКЦІЇ. IMPERATIVE CATEGORY IN OFFICIAL BUSINESS STYLE: STATUS, FUNCTIONSArticle