ЯЦЕНКО, Маріанна СергіївнаYATSENKO, MariannaБУРІНА, Руслана ВіталіївнаBURINA, Ruslana2023-09-112023-09-112022http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25325У статті розкрито та проаналізовано поняття операційної системи та зовнішньоекономічної діяльності, функції і завдання. В результаті аналізу системи виявлено вплив операційної системи на зовнішньоекономічну діяльність. Виділено напрями, в яких підприємство, рухається і встановлено, що операційна система використовує для роботи планування, контроль, аналіз, графіки і так само підсистеми, які доповнюють функціональність. This paper reveals and analyzes the concepts of operating system and foreign economic activity and how they work together on the same platform, which is currently referred to as the enterprise. The paper will analyze the basic concepts of the operating system and foreign economic activity. The tasks and functions used and how the operating system of management will affect foreign economic activity and what aspects will be violated in the course of application and development are analyzed. FEA activities of the enterprise is a complex area of development, which must involve many management systems to maintain and use effectively. As a result of the system analysis, the impact of the operating system on foreign economic activity was analyzed. It was identified areas in which the enterprise using the operating system mainly moves and how they coexist, found that the operating system uses planning, control, analysis, graphics and subsystems that complement functionality and help avoid shortcomings in the implementation of work. There are many different systems and subsystems that can complement the operating system management. Prospects for further research in this area are to determine the degree of involvement of enterprises in the development of their foreign economic activity in foreign markets and the use of operating systems. Currently, there are many opportunities for the development of operating systems, provided that they will be dispelled in possible associations with other systems for the effective development of the enterprises themselves. But for a quality integration it is necessary to establish exactly what functions need to be studied and used for the development of the system and its complement. To do this, the very capabilities of the enterprise will be analyzed so that it does not go beyond the possible implementation at this stage.uk-UAопераційні системизовнішньоекономічна діяльністьсистемипідприємствоoperating systemsforeign economic activitysystemsenterpriseТЕОРЕТИЧНІ АСПЕКТИ ОПЕРАТИВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ У ЗОВНІШНЬОЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ПІДПРИЄМСТВА. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISEArticle