Шмерецький, Є. Є.Shmeretsky, E.2018-02-162018-02-162017http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2815Висвітлено історичні передумови формування відповідальності за сексуальне насильство. Виокремлено та схарактеризовано п’ять періодів становлення вітчизняного кримінального законодавства в цій сфері.The article is devoted to the coverage of historical preconditions for the formation of responsibility for sexual violence. The analysis allowed to allocate five periods of the formation of domestic criminal law: the criminal law of the Russian Truth (XI–XV centuries), the criminal law of the Moscow State (XV–XVII centuries), the criminal law of the Russian Empire (XVIII – beginning of XX century) criminal law of the Soviet government (from October 1917 to December 1993), criminal law of Ukraine. Each of these periods reflects events and dates in the epicenter of which our state was formed and developed. In general, during the past centuries, the evolution of criminal norms took place in several directions: first, the very concept of «rape» was formulated and specified; and secondly, with the change in the socio-legal status of women in society there was an extended circle of subjects and victims of this crime; thirdly, the differentiation of the responsibility of criminals depending on the physical (age) and mental (helplessness, etc.) the state of the crime victim, the nature of violence, the severity of the consequences and other circumstances; fourthly, the legislator has repeatedly attempted to increase the criminal liability for rape (in particular, it concerns the Soviet period in the history of our country). The Criminal Code of Ukraine in 2004 differentiated criminal liability for violent sex offenses depending on the category of minors.uk-UAнасильствосексуальне насильствоісторичні передумовикримінальне законодавствовідповідальністьviolencesexual violencehistorical backgroundcriminal lawresponsibilityІсторичні передумови формування відповідальності за сексуальне насильство.Historical Background for the Formation of Responsibility for Sexual ViolenceArticle