Головенський, В.В.Неділько, С.М.Сєлюков, О.В.2023-09-202023-09-202018http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25483Methodical approaches to comparative estimation of the efficiency of sources of thermal and electroluminescent radiation in the infrared wavelength range are offered. Mathematical expressions for calculating their energy efficiency are obtained. The results of the introduction of LED technologies in the airdrome lighting facilities show the significant operational advantages of LEDs over traditional sources of illumina- tion – incandescent lamps. In modern developments of complex navigation systems for aircraft, there is provided multi-channel information gathering for the aircraft crew, including the use of the infrared range of electromagnetic waves. However, the issue of the efficiency of incandescent lamps as impulse infrared beacons in the lighting systems is open due to the emergence of powerful semiconductor diodes (infrared diodes) of the infrared range. A comparative analysis of the efficiency of incandescent lamps and infrared radiation diodes of serial production was carried out. Methodical approaches to the definition of comparative estimations of the radiant efficiency of the sources of thermal and recombination mechanisms of radiation are proposed.uk-UAенергетична ефективністьнапівпровідникове джерело випромінюванняінфрачервоний діапазон електромагнітних хвильenergy efficiencysemiconductor source of radiationinfrared range of electromagnetic wavesОцінка ефективності ламп розжарювання й напівпровідникових діодів як джерел селективного інфрачервоного випромінюванняArticle