Войтюк, Р. В.Voitiuk, R.2017-11-132017-11-132017-02http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2301Здійснено порівняльний аналіз діяльності комісара Незалежної антикорупційної комісії Гонконгу та детектива Національного антикорупційного бюро України. Осуществлен сравнительный анализ деятельности комиссара Независимой антикоррупционной комиссии Гонконга и детектива Национального антикоррупционного бюро Украины.This paper proposes the comparative analysis of the Commissioner of the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission and the Hong Kong and detective National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. The author consider the organizational structure of the saint-corruption bodies, comparative analysis of powers the Commissioner and detective. The author comes to the conclusion that procedural independence of Detective of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is a distinctive feature of powers of Commissioner Operations Division of the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission of Hong Kong. The article goes on to say that Detective of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine authorized to take procedural decisions independently, unlike Commissioner Operations Division of the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission of Hong Kong. According to the article Commissioner of the Department of Operations of the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission has broader authority to limit constitutional human rights compared with the powers detective NABU. In particular it is about UN limited access to any information, arrest of bank accounts of suspects, their transport documents, getting not intimate samples detained for the purpose of expert report, etc. The author reports consider the introduction of the principles of «evidence of innocence of the suspect public servant». It is shown that this experience commissioners of the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission of Hong Kong cannot be implemented, because this practice is contrary to the European Court of Human Rights, international treaties, the Constitution and the Code of Ukraine. Further the author reports that detective powers to prevent the commission of crimes should be expanded. Preparation representation of revealing there a sons and terms crime and submissions to the appropriate public body, public organization or official to eliminate the sere a sons and conditions is a positive experience for the introduction of a detective activity.uk-UAдетективкомісардосудове розслідуванняпрокурордетективкомиссардосудебное расследованиепрокурорdetectiveCommissionerpre-trial investigationprosecutorПОРІВНЯЛЬНИЙ АНАЛІЗ ПОВНОВАЖЕНЬ ДЕТЕКТИВА НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО АНТИКОРУПЦІЙНОГО БЮРО УКРАЇНИ ТА КОМІСАРА НЕЗАЛЕЖНОЇ АНТИКОРУПЦІЙНОЇ КОМІСІЇ ГОНКОНГУ .The comparative analysis of powers of detective of the national anti-corruption bureau of Ukraine and the commissioner of the independent anti-corruption commission of Hong KongСравнительный анализ полномочий детектива Национального антикоррупционного бюро Украины и комиссара Независимой антикоррупционной комиссии ГонконгаArticle