Єрохін, ВІктор ФедоровичYerokhin, VictorПолякова, Анастасія СергіївнаPoliakova, AnastasiіaСбоєв, Роман ЮрійовичSboiev, Roman2023-10-012023-10-012019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25673At present, the global growth of communication needs makes us more efficient in using of the frequency spectrum. The development of communication systems requires an increase of throughput, while the frequency spectrum is limited, which will not allow to increase the width of the channel or their number. Assuming that it is possible to transmit several interfering signals at one frequency, then the problem is to separate these signals. It is obvious that the complexity of demodulation procedures will increase significantly compared to the classical ones. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether such an increase of complexity will be justified. To answer this question, you need to determine how the throughput of some random multiple access system, where multiple reusing of the frequency resource is possible, may increase. For the research carrier sense multiple access protocol with conflicts detection was chosen, which have become widespread in the packet networks for their successful combination of the relative simplicity of access algorithms and sufficiently high efficiency. The main characteristics of the random multiple access protocols are the throughput and the average time before the start of successful service and we choose the second for research. The purpose of the research is evaluation and comparative analysis of the average time before the start of successful service of varieties of multiple access protocols with carrier sense and conflict detection with additional assumptions about the conflicts resolving at the physical layer. The object of research is random multiple access communication systems. The subject of research is asymptotic methods for analyzing multiple access protocols. This method was first proposed by A. Nazarov. In this case, complete solutions can usually be obtained only in exceptional situations characterized by the forced imposition of rigid simplifying restrictions on the statistical nature of the processes in research. Due to these limitations, approximate solutions to the problem can be obtained with fairly broad assumptions about inbound flow statistics and service discipline, even in the absence of an explicit form of appropriate distributions. Therefore, estimates of the basic parameters random multiple access protocols can be obtained in a low-cost analytical way, without full-scale or simulation modeling.uk-UAвипадковий множинний доступпротокол множинного доступу з контролем несівноївиявлення конфліктіврозвязання конфліктів на фізичному рівнітеорія багатокористувацького детектуваннясистеми масового обслуговуванняджерело повторних викликівRMA – random multiple accessCSMA – carrier sense multiple accessCD – collision detectionCRPL – conflicts resolving on the physical layerMDT – multiuser detection theoryQS – queuing systemSRC – source of recurring callsСЕРЕДНІЙ ЧАС ДО ПОЧАТКУ УСПІШНОГО ОБСЛУГОВУВАННЯ В ТЕЛЕКОМУНІКАЦІЙНИХ СИСТЕМАХ ІЗ ВИПАДКОВИМ МНОЖИННИМ ДОСТУПОМ ТА ВИЯВЛЕННЯМ КОНФЛІКТІВ. AVERAGE TIME BEFORE SUCCESSFUL MAINTENANCE IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS WITH RANDOM MULTIPLE ACCESS AND CONFLICT DETECTIONArticle