Мамотенко, П.І.Mamotenko, P.I.2023-09-242023-09-242018http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25579The paper deals with issues related to conducting scientific researching in the department of the armed forces of the laboratory for the certification of manual firearms and special means of self-defense within the framework of the research of the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Development of departmental general technical requirements and programs, methods of testing sniper rifles for the purpose of obtainig samples of sniper weapons for the needs of the National Police, the National Guard and the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The purpose of the paper is systematization existing differences in the use of sniper weapons by police and army snipers such as: legality and policy of combat using, distance of firing, character of purpose, shooting, exchange of rifles, etc.,study of the influence of these differences on the formulation of specific requirements for sniper weapons used by divisions National Police. Highlights problems that formed in the industry due to the lag of the normative base from the needs of the present, and the ways of their solution. The necessity of accreditation for the requirements of the standard DSTU ISO / IEC 17025: 2006 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” of the testing laboratory for improving the quality of tests is substantiated. Features of combat application of sniper rifles in police units and their influence on tactics, organization, equipment, planning, the whole sphere of sniper works is considered. Data is provided on the current requirements for firing taking into account the capabilities of sniper weapons. The analysis of components of a sniper rifle and their influence on the quality of sniper weapons in general is carried out. The main types of inspections that are used in the process of developing a program and techniques for testing sniper rifles are given. Requirements for the use of the methods specified in international, regional, national standards or manufacturer’s recommended test equipment are formulated. The necessity of evaluating the suitability of their own design methods for their application in test laboratories accredited to meet the requirements of DSTU ISO / IEC 17025: 2006 was stressed.uk-UAснайперська гвинтівкапатронкучністьточністьметодика випробуньsniper riflecartridgeclose groupingaccuracytest methodМЕТОДИКИ ВИПРОБУВАНЬ ТА ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ В ПОЛІЦЕЙСЬКИХ ПІДРОЗДІЛАХ СНАЙПЕРСЬКИХ ГВИНТІВОК. METHODS OF TESTING AND PECULIARITIES OF USE OF SNIPER RIFLES IN POLICE SUBDIVISIONSArticle