Бараннік, Володимир ВІкторовичBarannik, VolodymyrСорокун, Антон ДмитровичSorokun, AntonБабенко, Юрій МихайловичBabenko, YuriiЯковенко, Олександр ВасильовичYakovenko, Oleksandr2023-10-012023-10-012019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25671The article is devoted to building the method of video encoding at the level of individual frames of the video stream in real time (in the process of transmission of video data to recipients) to improve the functioning of network multimedia video services due to the fact that the share of video data that are transmitted over the network is constantly growing. As a result, traffic becomes more complex, along with the intellectualization of network services. However, the quality of the video data received is constantly increasing. Thus, the task of increasing the efficiency of video services on the basis of information and communication networks remains relevant. This task can be solved as at the level of end nodes, and at the level of traffic management within the network nodes. However, the possibilities of such traffic management in conditions of its complexity are limited, because the overall load on the network remains constant. One of the most common and effective solutions is coding methods aimed at reducing the intensity of video data in the network. But the possibilities of traditional methods without further quality reduction have reached their theoretical limit. Under these conditions, the most rational methods are those that are based on eliminating new types of redundancy. This takes into account the fact that the method developed should provide redundancy without making additional mistakes. The method described in this article suggests an approach to building a code representation of a significant coordinate-brightness component of video. Coding is based on the description of the coordinate-brightness component in the form of a structural position number with global and local inequality of values of neighboring elements. This approach includes a two-hierarchical scheme of code value formation for a set of areas of coherence after an unequal sub-sample with the detection and exclusion of elements with equal values.uk-UAпозиційне кодуваннявідеоданізначуща складова відеознімкаpositional codingvideo datasignificant component of video imagesМЕТОД КОДУВАННЯ ЗНАЧУЩОЇ КООРДИНАТНО-ЯСКРАВІСНОЇ СКЛАДОВОЇ ВІДЕОЗНІМКА В ІНФОКОМУНІКАЦІЙНИХ СИСТЕМАХ. METHOD OF ENCODING THE SIGNIFICANT COORDINATE- BRIGHTNESS COMPONENT OF VIDEO IMAGES WITHIN INFO- COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSArticle