Савіна, Наталія ГригорівнаSavina, Nataliia2023-10-012023-10-012019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25655Research paper highlights the development of a regulatory framework for conducting the conformity assessment of pyrotechnic articles. The mandatory requirements are set out in the regulatory act – Technical Regulation of Pyrotechnic Products, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 839 dated 03 August 2011. This Technical Regulation has been developed on the basis of the EU regulatory act dated May 23, 2007, concerning the launch of pyrotechnic articles on the market, in accordance with the regulations for drafting Technical regulations approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, on the basis of acts of European legislation of the Union, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 18, 2012 No 708. Extended requirements for all classes of pyrotechnic articles are set out in national standards, the voluntary use of which gives the presumption of conformity of pyrotechnic articles with the basic safety requirements set out in the aforementioned Technical Regulation. According to the Law of Ukraine “On Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment”, such national standards should be identical to the relevant European standards adopted in the mentioned EU Directive. According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 16, 2015 No 1057 “On Definition of the Spheres of Activity Where the Central Authorities Perform the Functions of Technical Regulation”, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine performs the functions of technical regulation, including the field of pyrotechnic articles, according to which monitors both European legislation and European standards for pyrotechnic articles.uk-UAоцінка відповідностітехнічне регулюваннянаціональний стандартпіротехнічні виробитехнічний регламентconformity assessmenttechnical regulationnational standardpyrotechnic articlestechnical regulationНОРМАТИВНО-ПРАВОВЕ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ПРОВЕДЕННЯ ОЦІНКИ ВІДПОВІДНОСТІ ПІРОТЕХНІЧНИХ ВИРОБІВ. LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT OF THE ASSESSMENT OF CONFORMITY OF PYROTECHNIC ARTICLESArticle