Niemkova, OlenaНємкова, ОленаShandra, ZenoviiШандра, ЗіновійVoitusik, StepanВойтусік, Степан2023-09-212023-09-212018 article is devoted to the method of authentication of laptops based on the correlation analysis of their internal electric fluctuations. The following results were obtained: the authentication of each laptop can be carried out uniquely by its internal electrical fluctuation; uniqueness of authentication is provided by the invariants of the autocorrelation function of fluctuations; the authentication sign is based on an analysis of the shape of the graph of the autocorrelation function. The authentication algorithm is presented.enauthentication signautocorrelation functioninternal electrical fluctuatiolaptopавтентифікаційна ознакаавтокореляційна функціявнутрішні електричні флуктуаціїноутбукTHE METHOD OF AUTHENTICATION OF LAPTOPS BY INTERNAL ELECTRICAL FLUCTUATIONS. Метод автентифікації ноутбуків внутрішніми електричними флуктуаціямиArticle