Скибенко, Олексій ІгоровичSkybenko, Oleksii2021-01-292021-01-292021-01http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/17938Дисертаційну роботу присвячено процесу реформування прокуратури України як невід’ємного складника реформування всієї системи правоохоронних органів нашої держави. Основний акцент у дисертації робиться на процесі реформування конституційно-правового статусу органів прокуратури України. Ми прийшли до висновку, що віднесення прокуратури до системи судової влади є логічним з погляду чинного українського законодавства. Однак, головне, що слід мати на увазі, вирішуючи питання про віднесення прокуратури до системи судової влади, – це безумовна вимога одночасного наближення і судової влади, і прокуратури до європейських стандартів. Диссертационная работа посвящена процессу реформирования прокуратуры Украины как неотъемлемой составляющей реформирования всей системы правоохранительных органов нашего государства. Основной акцент в работе делается на процессе реформирования конституционно-правового статуса органов прокуратуры Украины. Мы пришли к выводу, что отнесении прокуратуры к системе судебной власти, – это безусловное требование одновременного приближения и судебной власти, и прокуратуры к европейским стандартам. The dissertation is devoted to the process of reforming the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, as an integral part of reforming the entire law enforcement system of our country. The main focus of the work is on the process of reforming the constitutional and legal status of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. There was an urgent need to reform the modern Ukrainian prosecutor's office, taking into account high European and world standards for the protection of human rights and freedoms. It became apparent that the functions, rights and powers of the prosecutor's office, inherited from the repressive Soviet totalitarian system, did not make it possible to transform the prosecutor's office into an institute for the protection of the interests of the state and citizens. As a result of the analysis of a wide range of scientific and regulatory sources, we have come to the conclusion that the constitutional and legal status of the prosecutor's office in Ukraine means the legal regime of the public-legal position of the prosecutor's office, which is conditioned by national, historical and international experience, characterized by a set of structural elements (tasks, functions, functions) , competence, legal personality, system, guarantees and responsibilities), which are defined by the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine and ensure stability and effective Number of functional relationships between both bodies of the prosecutor's office and other government agencies. It is logical that the prosecutor's office belongs to the judiciary system from the point of view of current Ukrainian legislation. However, the main thing to keep in mind when deciding whether a prosecutor's office is to be included in the judiciary is the unconditional requirement for both the judiciary and the prosecutor's office to converge to European standards. At different times, such well-known constitutionalists as S. Alpert, D. Bakaev, O. Bandurka, M. Bidenko, I. Vernydubov, V. Gusarov, V. Dolezhan, M. Kosyuta, M. Mychko were concerned with this issue. M. Rudenko, V. Sapunkov, V. Tatsiy, O. Tolochko P. Shumsky, each of whom contributed to the development of constitutional law in general and to the study of the constitutional and legal status of the prosecutor's office in Ukraine in particular. The doctrinal provisions developed by the above-mentioned scholars formed the basis of our dissertation research. The urgency of the research topic is due to the fact that today, there is an urgent need to reform the modern Ukrainian prosecutor's office taking into account high European and world standards for the protection of human rights and freedoms. It is obvious that the set of functions that the prosecutor's offices of independent Ukraine inherited from the USSR prosecutor's office did not make it possible to transform the prosecutor's office into a European-style human rights institution. Therefore, it is very important to address these issues at the constitutional and legal level, in particular the constitutional and legal basis for reforming the legal status, functions and competencies of the prosecutor's office in order to bring it closer to the models and standards of European countries and humanize its work. Regarding the use of international experience in prosecutorial reform, it should be noted here that no universal models have been developed in the world today to effectively organize prosecutorial activities. However, international experience proves that in every country where legal reforms are being implemented, one has to make the difficult choice of finding the best solutions. At the same time, it is considered a grave mistake to attempt to redesign the prosecutorial system of one country on the principle of another. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken and to succeed, it is necessary that any established prosecutorial system be compatible with the culture and history of their country.uk-UAоргани прокуратуриЗакон України «Про прокуратуру»конституційно-правовий статусрегіональні прокуратуримісцеві прокуратурифункції прокуратури УкраїниProsecutor's OfficesLaw of Ukraine "On Prosecutor's Office"regional prosecutor's officeslocal prosecutor's officesКонституційно-правовий статус прокуратури України в умовах реформування. Constitutional – Legal Status of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine under the conditions of reform.Конституционно-правовой статус прокуратуры Украины в условиях реформирования.Book