Захаренко, Людмила Миколаївна,Малоголова, Олеся Олексіївна,Юрченко-Шеховцова, Тетяна ІванівнаZakharenko, L.Maloholova, O.Yurchenko-Shekhovtsova, T.2019-07-022019-07-022018-11http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/14341Досліджено особливості мотивації до навчання курсантів випускного курсу (n = 323) закладу вищої освіти із специфічними умовами навчання. Визначено, що їх домінуючою мотивацією професійного навчання є внутрішня мотивація. Респонденти націлені на отримання теоретичних знань. Мотиви їх професійної діяльності впливають на мотивацію навчальної діяльності. Значний вплив на мотивацію майбутньої професійної діяльності курсантів випускного курсу мають статусність професії у суспільстві та її матеріальне винагородження. The author has studied the peculiarities of academic motivation of final-year cadets (n = 323) of higher education institutions with specific educational conditions. It has been determined that the dominant motivation for their professional training is internal motivation. They make independent decisions about their professional activities and seek to continue their service within the National Police. Adequate and situational types of professional motivation are typical for cadets. Respondents are aiming for theoretical knowledge. The motives for the professional activities of final-year cadets do not affect their motivation to acquire theoretical knowledge, but they affect the acquisition of professional skills and abilities. The “romantic halo” of the profession remains in the perception of the profession by final-year cadets, but the material component also becomes important. The status of the profession in society and its material remuneration, as well as the curiosity of the chosen profession have significant influence on the motivation of future professional activities of fourth-year cadets. The motivating factor for internally motivated cadets is a sense of effectiveness, as well as status and state’s high salary for labor of law enforcement professionals. Externally positively motivated cadets in case of the decrease in the status of the profession, unrealized career ambitions or the reduction of the material rewards of law enforcement officers may begin to perform their duties formally or may leave the service. Externally negatively motivated cadets are not interested in performing professional duties. On the basis of the obtained data, the author has concluded on the importance of mentoring in the process of professional development of young specialists and the continuation of professional training in the system of postgraduate education and service training of police officers. The author has emphasized the importance of further motivation of final-year cadets within professional activity, in particular the introduction of a “motivational” package for police officers by the state.uk-UAмотивація до навчаннямотивація професійної діяльностікурсантизаклад вищої освіти із специфічними умовами навчанняmotivation to studymotivation for professional activitycadetshigher educational institution with specific learning conditionsДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ОСОБЛИВОСТЕЙ НАВЧАЛЬНОЇ МОТИВАЦІЇ КУРСАНТІВ ВИПУСКНОГО КУРСУ RESEARCH OF THE PECULIARITIES OF ACADEMIC MOTIVATION OF FINALYEAR CADETSArticle