Сергієнко, Любов ГригорівнаSerhienko, LiubovВащук, Наталія ФедорівнаVashchuk, NataliіaБакал, Віталій ПавловичBakal, Vitalii2023-10-032023-10-032019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25690In the article modern unifying methods of clothes are considered, and also constructive and technological unification of uniform details (uniform-style clothes) are defined. Unification is the most common and effective ways of standardization. Unification of products is accompanied by revealing of optimum design and technological decisions and typing by combining (mix) the most successful design and technological decisions. Unification enables reducing the volume of design works and design period, reducing the terms of creation new equipment, reducing the cost of development of new products, reducing production costs, increasing the level of mechanization and automation of production processes. Unification improves product quality, reliability and durability through careful development of product design and manufacturing technology. The current methods of unifying details require improvement in accordance with the items of clothing. In the article the authors suggest the structure of the main objects of uniform details unification (uniform-style clothes) and the structure of the main principles of uniform details unification (uniform-style clothes). Research of constructive and technological unification of uniform details was carried out by a method of theoretical and analytical research of existing ways of clothes unification. The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in the fact that on the basis of theoretical researches fundamental principles of uniforms details unification (uniforms- style clothes) are defined, and also on the example of modern subjects of police officers’ uniforms the table of the generalized unification of details of products is presented. Summing up, the authors conclude that constructive and technological unification of uniforms details (uniforms-style clothes) contributes to the generalization of mechanization and automation of processing of the most labor-intensive clothing units, as well as reduces the costs of equipment changeover and increases labor productivity. The results of the research can be used in the development of new subjects of uniform (uniform-style clothes).uk-UAуніфікаціястандартизаціяформений одягоднострійunificationstandardizationuniform-style clothesuniformСУЧАСНІ СПОСОБИ УНІФІКАЦІЇ ДЕТАЛЕЙ ОДНОСТРОЮ (ФОРМЕНОГО ОДЯГУ). WAYS OF UNIFYING THE DETAILS OF THE UNIFORM (UNIFORM-STYLE CLOTHES)Article