Заїчко, К.В.Zaichko, K.V.2023-09-202023-09-202018http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25512The rapid development of the market for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV (A)) contributed to their implementation in various sectors of industry, agriculture, economy and entertainment. In turn, the unlimited possibility of acquiring and, accordingly, unregulated and careless use of such devices leads to irreversible consequences, including severe ones. This year in June the Temporary Use of Airspace was published for the consi- deration and discussion of citizens. A new name for devices has been suggested – remotely manned aircraft. It is proposed to introduce the registration of these devices and obtain appropriate permits for flights nearby airports, roads, houses and structures of crowded places, etc. Unauthorized use of UAV (A) can not be left out of the attention of the law enforcement system, especially in mass events. There is a need for monitoring and insurance of the possibility of counteracting unauthorized flights of UAV (A) over protected objects and on objects representing an area of a high danger. The creation of detection and response systems must meet a number of requirements. Continuous development and modernization of UAV (A) devices involves state-of-the-art control technologies that have increased the resistance to interference. The possibility of updating parameters and characteristics of UAV (A) (amplifiers for the increasement of the range of remote controls, coding of control channels and information transmission) is not excluded, and this will greatly complicate the tasks of law enforcement agencies. Technical systems and means of monitoring and counteraction to the UAV (A) that are planned to be equipped must meet the current technical requirements and have a developed architecture that will make it impossible to observe moral aging throughout their lifetime.uk-UAбезпілотні повітряні судна (апарати)канали управліннясистема виявлення БПС(А)БПС(А) цивільного призначенняпротиправне використання БПС(А)unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAV)control channelssystem of UAV (A) detectioncivilian UAV (A)unlawful use of UAV (A)Аспекти формування вимог до систем виявлення безпілотних повітряних суден (апаратів). ASPECTS OF FORMING REQUIREMENTS FOR DETECTION SYSTEMS OF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (UAV (A))Article