Пирцхалава, Л.Г.Хорошко, В.А.Хохлачова, Ю.Е.2023-09-202023-09-202018http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25487The rapid development of computer technologies has discavered for humanity unprecedented opportunities for automation of intellectual work and led to the creation of a large number of various kinds of automated information and control systems, the emergence of fundamentally new, so-called information technology. If we do not properly take care of neutralizing the negative factors accompanying the progress, then the effect of introducing the latest achievements of science and technology can turn out to be generally negative. In other words, without due attention to safety issues, the consequences of the transition of society to new technologies can be catastrophic for it and its citizens. This is the case with informatization of society.ruінформаційні системиінформаційні атакиінформаційне противоборствомодель ризиківinformation systemsinformation attacksinformation confrontationrisk modelИнформационные атаки и модель рисков в информационном противоборствеArticle