Вересенко, Юрій ВіталійовичVeresenko, Yurii2023-10-012023-10-012019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25657The testing department of the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is accredited by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine for competence and independence in accordance with the requirements of DSTU ISO / IEC 17025: 2006 (General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories), has the status of conformity assessment body in fields: testing of armor, weapons, special non-lethal weapons, ammunition and structurally similar items, pyrotechnic articles. For the control of the ballistic stability of personal protective equipment (bulletproof vests and bulletproof vest elements, shields and helmets bulletproof), protective glazing, protective structures (parts and components), protection of armored specialized vehicles, riflescale shotguns, smooth barrels of the appropriate caliber, which provide the required, determined by regulatory documents of Ukraine, the speed of the bullet and cartridges of the industrial production. Necessary weapons or ballistic barrel are grounded on the developed and patented at the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine weapons for remote shooting weapons [1]. The scope of use of this device is not limited to the ballistic tests of armor protection conducted in the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, but may be used, for example, in the Expert Forensic Departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. One of the most important issues raised by a forensic expert is the determination of the propriety of improvised firearms and ammunition and their suitability for firearms and ammunition. In this regard, the Methodology for establishing the object of a firearm and its suitability for firearms (hereinafter – Methodology) contains relevant regulations. Thus, in particular, Clause 3.1 of the Methodology provides that the object of the requirement to firearms is determined by the presence of a set of a number of common forensic features: Clause 7.4.8 of the Methodology contains the relevant regulations, it is mentioned that the experimental firing is carried out by use of a remote control firing, equipment (devices) to determine the flight speed of shells or their kinetic energy and a bullet trap or target that provide effective inhibition of projectiles fired from small arms. In our opinion, the solution of this problem and, consequently, the improvement of the technical support of conducting dynamic tests during the performance of forensic ballistic investigations, consists in the cooperation of the units of the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (hereinafter – the Institute).uk-UAвипробування засобів бронезахистусудово-балістична експертизавідстрілзброясистема для дистанційного відстрілуtesting of means of armor protectionforensic ballistic examinationshootingweaponssystem for remote shootingМОЖЛИВОСТІ ВДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ ТЕХНІЧНОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ЕКСПЕРТНО-КРИМІНАЛІСТИЧНИХ ПІДРОЗДІЛІВ МВС УКРАЇНИ ДЛЯ ВИКОНАННЯ СУДОВО-БАЛІСТИЧНИХ ДОСЛІДЖЕНЬ. OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF THE EXPERT-CRIMINALISTIC DEPARTMENTS MIA UKRAINE FOR THE FULLFILLMENT OF FORENSIC AND BALLISTIC RESEARCHESArticle