Гусарєв, С. Д.Husariev, S.2018-02-212018-02-212017http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2886Проаналізовано актуальні проблеми правового регулювання відносин у сфері охорони здоров’я. Висвітлено сучасне розуміння категорії гарантій у контексті реалізації медичного законодавства. Розкрито зміст юридичних та економічних гарантій.The author of the article notes that the reforming of the medical industry is closely connected with considering the international standards and norms, which are an objective factor of its development. New realities bring not only difficulties, but they also open up new opportunities in this area. All in all, the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to health care will depend on the content and direction of reforming of the medical sector. Proceeding from the conceptual foundations of the announced reform, medical law in Ukraine is intended to ensure the harmonious development of physical and spiritual forces, high labor activity and long-term life of citizens, elimination of factors that harm their health, prevent and reduce morbidity, disability and mortality, improve heredity. However, the current state of health care in our country is characterized by a number of problems (insufficient financing of medicine, low level of provision of medical institutions, difficulties in the order of providing medical care, etc.), therefore, the creation of an effective system of legal norms in this area can help to resolve them.uk-UAгарантіїправове регулюваннямедичне правосистема охорони здоров’ямедична реформамедична галузьguaranteeslegal regulationmedical lawhealth care systemmedical reformmedical branchСучасне розуміння гарантій у контексті реформування медичного законодавства України.Modernizing Guarantees in the Context of the Reforming of the Medical Legislation of UkraineArticle