Чорноус, Ю. М.2020-01-282020-01-282017http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/16268Удосконалення засобів, методів і прийомів злочинної діяльності, що все частіше виходить за межі держав, набуває міжнародного характеру, вимагає удосконалення теоретичного і практичного інструментарію боротьби з нею, застосування заходів міжнародного співробітництва, новим із яких є створення і діяльність міжнародних спільних слідчих груп.Improvement of means, techniques and methods of criminal activity is responsible for the application of measures for international cooperation, a new and important of which is the establishment of an international joint investigative groups. The basic principles of joint investigative yeams’ activities are regulated by the international agreements of Ukraine and Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (art. 571). The crash of the airliner, flight MN-17 of Malaysian Airlines (on 17 July 2014), when it were killing 298 people from different countries of the world, caused by the necessity of creation the first in the national practice – the joint investigation team (JIT). Members of the created joint investigation team are interacted with each other, agreed on the main directions of pre-trial investigation, conducted procedural actions, exchanged information (that were received). Because of this, procedural and сriminalistic principles of joint investigation team are in need of development of algorithm investigative actions by law enforcement officers from different countries. It is important to research the practice of other states in the question of the implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court to the national legislation and to bring law enforcement practice in line with its provisions.uk-UAInternational Criminal CourtInternational joint investigation teaminternational cooperationcrime investigationMH-17JITАктуальні питання створення і діяльності міжнародних спільних слідчих груп.TOPICAL QUESTIONS OF CREATION AND ACTIVITIES OF INTERNATIONAL JOINT INVESTIGATION TEAMSArticle