Подойніцин, Валерій МихайловичPodoinitsyn, Valerii2023-10-012023-10-012019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25678In the article the questions of organization, creation, formation, sphere of activity, goals and tasks of technical committee of standardization TC 076 “Military equipment, armament and explosives” are considered, structural subdivisions (working groups) of the mentioned committee working as a part of the Austrian institute of standardization are also submitted. Furthermore, it provides basic market information, which is based on the ÎNORMEN standards developed by the 076 Committee. Historical aspects of establishing a European defense agency are considered, as well as full names of the states agency’s members. A historical overview on creating the Austrian Institute for Standardization and the primary goals of the Institute is provided. Risk analysis was carried out in the development of national standards of the Republic of Austria, which belongs to the European Defense Agency and some international and regional defense organizations and standardization organizations. The primary task of the Austrian Institute for Standardization (hereinafter Institute) is developing and publishing Austrian standards. Additionally, the Institute cooperates with other national and international standardization organizations DIN, CEN, ISO and the like. Most of the standards currently applicable in Austria, more than 20,000 of them, belong to European origin. The share of European (and international) standards in the publication of Austrian standards is almost 80 %. However, there are a number of Austrian national standards.uk-UAтенічний комітет 076Австрійський інститут стандартизаціїЄвропейське оборонне агентствоавстрійські стандартизброявибухівкаTechnical Committee 076Austrian Institute for StandardizationEuropean Defense AgencyAustrian standardsweaponsexplosivesДІЯЛЬНІСТЬ ТЕХНІЧНОГО КОМІТЕТУ ТК 076 "ВІЙСЬКОВА ТЕХНІКА, ОЗБРОЄННЯ І ВИБУХОВІ РЕЧОВИНИ" У СКЛАДІ АВСТРІЙСЬКОГО ІНСТИТУТУ СТАНДАРТИЗАЦІЇ. ACTIVITIES OF THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE TC 076 “MILITARY EQUIPMENT, WEAPONS AND EXPLOSION MATERIALS” WITHIN THE AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF STANDARDIZATIONArticle