Смерницький, Дем'ян ВікторовичSmernytskyi, DemianГуляєв, Андрій ВолодимировичHuliaiev, AndriiДиких, Олександр ВікторовичDykykh, OleksandrКисіль, Микола ВасильовичKysil, Mykola2023-10-032023-10-032019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25689The article considers the specifics of using automobile transport for fulfilling official tasks of the units of the National Guard of Ukraine and the Central Bodies of the Executive Power related to the performance of law enforcement functions, in particular, armored special-purpose vehicles, which are created on the basis of the chassis of general purpose vehicles to perform certain functions with enhanced protection against means of destruction and used for various types of official tasks, such as transportation of personnel, intelligence, communication, material and medical support, etc. Necessity of development and manufacture of armored vehicles for various purposes for the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Central Executive Authorities and the National Guard of Ukraine is determined. Pressing and actual problem on improvement of fuel efficiency of modern technical means by analysis and search of possible ways of increasing efficiency of motor fuel use and estimation of influence of technical characteristics of a power drive on fuel efficiency are considered. The analysis of researches and estimation of fuel systems of automobiles, scientific- methodical device on a substantiation of methods of definition and planning of fuel efficiency of specialized vehicles depending on change of the basic constructive and other factors taking into account conditions of use on appointment is carried out. The urgency and practical significance of the research of the quantitative basis of the change of the linear fuel consumption at the known technical characteristics of the modern technical means depending on the main factors that are formed in the real operation are determined: the tasks that are performed by the modern technical means, the type and condition of the roads, the speed of movement and loading of the car. Core indicators that influence the calculation of fuel and economic characteristics of wheeled vehicles are enumerated. Justified necessity to improve the scientific- methodical apparatus for determination and standardization of fuel efficiency of modern technical means used in various operating conditions.uk-UAправоохоронна діяльністьспеціальні транспортні засобивитрата паливапаливна економічністьlaw enforcementspecial vehiclesfuel consumptionfuel efficiencyУДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ НАУКОВО-МЕТОДИЧНОГО АПАРАТУ З ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ТА НОРМУВАННЯ ПАЛИВНОЇ ЕКОНОМІЧНОСТІ СПЕЦІАЛІЗОВАНИХ ТРАНСПОРТНИХ ЗАСОБІВ ДЛЯ ПЕРЕВЕЗЕННЯ ОСОБОВОГО СКЛАДУ ПРАВООХОРОННИХ ОРГАНІВ. IMPROVEMENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC-METHODICAL APPARATUS FOR DETERMINATION AND RATIONING OF FUEL EFFICIENCY OF SPECIALIZED VEHICLES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNELArticle