Чередниченко, Андрій ВалерійовичCherednychenko, Andriі2023-10-012023-10-012019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25654Paper is devoted to the possibilities of use of electronic conventional services, including electronic digital signature, timestamps and electronic seals in electronic documents of state enterprises, state authorities and structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of digital signing is carried out. The ways of introducing alternatives, methods and means of personality identification during signing of electronic documents are considered. The introduction of e-governance in Ukraine without effective and efficient functioning of the electronic document flow system is impossible. Also important for document circulation in electronic form is the proper examination and signing of the document. Taking into account the fact that the scanned document with the signature and seal of the department is not the original document, namely the document signed with the use of electronic digital signature (EDS), according to the Ukrainian legislation will already be legally significant document. In this paper, we will look at and find out, how it is formed, when and why an electronic digital signature is used. In Ukraine, during 2002–2018, a number of legislative acts, normative and technical documents on EDS were adopted and revised. Since that time, this branch has passed the stage of formation and is currently actively developing. We can separately highlight the adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in Ukraine” of May 15, 2013, No. 386-p. The strategy outlines key areas of innovation: e-government, e-democracy, e-economy, e- commerce, e-service, e-education, e-medicine, e-culture. An increasing number of administrative services are being implemented, which can be arranged electronically, by signing an electronic digital signature. In particular, in the Service Centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, citizens have the opportunity to use administrative services, such as: issuing a certificate of legality, which can be taken ready by the chosen, most convenient territorial, service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It can be stated that in order to improve the functioning of EDS in Ukraine, a number of normative acts were adopted in recent years. Ukraine’s progress in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has influenced its assessment in the world.uk-UAелектронний цифровий підписелектронний документоргани державної владицентр сертифікації ключівідентифікація особистостіключіelectronic digital signatureelectronic documentpublic authoritieskey certification centeridentification of the personkeysВикористання електронних довірчих послуг у системі МВС України. USE OF ELECTRONIC CONVENTIONAL SERVICES IN THE SYSTEM OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF UKRAINE342.9[004.9]:351.74