Глушеченко, Э.Н.Hlushechenko, E.N.2023-09-202023-09-202018http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25510An analysis of the propagation modes of electromagnetic waves in microwave devices is given. The features of the traveling-wave mode are considered on the example of a waveguide (classical) directional traveling-wave filter. The basic block diagram of the NBF is given, on the basis of an analysis of which the requirements for the implementation of such a filter on microstrip are formed. The reasons for the lack of the required microstrip coupler with 3 dB transient attenuation are explained. A method for implementing the necessary 3dB coupler based on the well-known tandem composite coupler is suggested. The process of its modification into a 3dB coupler with an autonomous secondary channel is described. The feasibility of a single-cavity microstrip directional traveling-wave filter based on a modified tandem-type microstrip coupler has been theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed. A comparative analysis of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of directional traveling-wave filters in the classical and microstrip versions is given.ruнапрямлений фільтрвідгалужувачкільцевий резонаторбіжна хвилямікросмужкова лініядіодгенератортранзисторdirectional filtercouplermicrostripring resonatortraveling-wavemicrostripdiodoscillatortransistorНетрадиционные реализации микрополосковых СВЧ-устройств. NON-TRADITIONAL IMPLEMENTATION OF MICROSTRIP MICROWAVE DEVICESArticle