Клименко, А.В.Klymenko, A.V.Вяткіна, Л.П.Viatkina, L.P.2023-09-262023-09-262019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25605According to the Constitution, the human being, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are of the highest social value in Ukraine. Consumer rights are among the most important social rights of citizens, whose protection is vested in the State. The consumer at acquisition, the order or use of production in territory of Ukraine has the right to the state protection of the rights, in particular acquisition of production of proper quality safe for a life, health and environment. Pyrotechnic products are classified as hazardous. Products that are classified as hazardous must comply with the requirements of all current technical regulations applicable to such products. Compliance of the recycled, marketed or commissioned pyrotechnic products in Ukraine with the requirements of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 03, 2011 No. 839 “On Approval of the Technical Regulation of Pyrotechnic Products” (hereinafter referred to as the technical regulation) is mandatory. Information about the pyrotechnic product, instructions for use, safety requirements specified in the product label. Marking is a mandatory requirement for safe use of pyrotechnic products in accordance with the Technical Regulations. The article contains a list of basic requirements that must be specified in the marking of pyrotechnic products, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. A sample marking of fireworks is given.uk-UAпіротехнічні виробимаркуваннязнак відповідності технічним регламентамзабезпечення безпечностіpyrotechnic productsmarkingsign of compliance with technical regulationssafety assuranceМАРКУВАННЯ ПІРОТЕХНІЧНИХ ВИРОБІВ ЯК ОБОВЯЗКОВА ВИМОГА ЇХ БЕЗПЕЧНОГО ВИКОРИСТАННЯ. MARKING OF PYROTECHNIC PRODUCTS AS A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT FOR THEIR SAFE USEArticle