Кузаков, В.В.Хусаінов, П.В.2023-09-202023-09-202018http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25486Paper is devoted to the main points of an organization of troubleshooting in complex technical systems such as “a same type firmware network”, and in this connection it is proposed the subsequent development of practical methods for solving technical diagnostics problems and the concept of an autonomous automated diagnostic system with elements of a decision support system relative to the chosen object of study. In this context, represented activities of search operations performers in the application of known troubleshooting and its characteristics (disadvantages and advantages) methods for servicing a network of the same type firmware are provided.uk-UAавтономна автоматизована система діагностуваннямережа однотипних програмно-апаратних засобіввиконавець діагностування (контролю)autonomous automated diagnostic systemthe same type firmware networkdiagnosis (control) performerПошук несправностей у складних технічних системахArticle