Рибальський, О.В.Rybalskyi, O.V.Крутофіст, І.М.Krutofist, I.M.Кудінов, В.А.Kudinov, V.A.2023-09-202023-09-202018http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25515Basic methods of the construction of the system of control of personality systems are considered. It is shown, that the used systems aren’t bar enough to external interferences. It gives the possibility to the malefactors to block alarming and imitating the signals of the normal condition of devices of control. An aim of the paper is the development of the method of increasement of stability of the system to the possible blocking and imitation of work of the checking system. It is shown that an application in the system of the sessions of connection, conducted in random moments, allows to promote its stability. The increasement of stability and application of code sequences of the signals chosen by chance for every session of connection. Method of construction of control system of such devices is worked out, having enhanceable firmness to external interferences. Thus, the time of subsequent session, chosen by chance, and casual code sequences are formed during the current session of connection and passed from the base station to the supervisory device. Time of subsequent session of connection gets out from the set maximal interval of time between sessions, which is determined by register length and by the clock rate used in the system. This choice is realized true by chance by application of generator of noise. The system on the basis of this generator and threshold devices forms a signal, setting a register in some casual position, qualificatory time of subsequent session. Analogical character is forming of casual code sequence for this session. These operations in the system are conducted in the automatic mode. All these actions are produced automatically without intervention of an operator, therefore the parameters of the next session of connection are unknown to him. It eliminates the preliminary drafting of curriculum of sessions of connection and table of the code sequences applied in every session. The increasement of firmness is arrived at due to that neither the malefactors nor operator, checking the location of the controlled personality, don’t know either time or check code, which will be used during the next session of connection. Possibility of the influence of a man on the process of control is thus removed.uk-UAконтроль місцеперебуванняконтрольний об'єктелектронний браслетблокування передавання сигналу тривогиімітація сигналуcontrol of residencecontrolled objectelectronic bangleblocking of transmission of alarmingimitation of signalДистанційні методи електронного контролю об'єктів. DISTANCE METHODS OF ELECTRONIC CONTROL OF OBJECTSArticle