Клименко, А.В.Klymenko, A.V.2023-09-202023-09-202018http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25519Reformation of the national system of technical regulation related with European legislation, the regulations of the World Trade Organization and international organizations for standardization – ISO, IEC, ITU – is a necessary condition for the effective economic development of Ukraine. Thus, one of the priority directions of state policy in a certain area is the process of gradual transition from compulsory certification of products to assessing their compliance with technical regulations requirements, regulated by the norms of the Bill of Ukraine “About Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment” dated January 15, 2015, No 124-VIII. At the same time, the analysis of national and international legislation gave grounds for general conclusions that the introduction in Ukraine of the institution of conformity assessment to the requirements of technical regulations is carried out on the basis of and in accordance with European experience in the field of technical regulation, regulated according to the “New Approach” to technical harmonization and standardization and “Global Approach” in the field of conformity assessment. Thus, the definition of the effectiveness of the action in Ukraine of the “New” and “Global” approaches led to the relevance of this study. In particular, the article provides a brief description of the basic principles of the “New” and “Global” directives, establishing requirements regarding product safety, protection of workers’ health and the environment, as well as conformity assessment methods and is mandatory. It is determined that the “Global Approach” implies the establishment of uniform criteria for conformity assessment procedures and the appointment of special bodies that carry out these procedures (presumption of conformity). It is established that the accreditation carried out by the relevant national accreditation body of Ukraine is a new, mandatory, requirement for the appointment of conformity assessment bodies to perform functional tasks in accordance with technical regulations. Paper provides information on the scope of accreditation of the conformity assessment body of the State Research Institute MIA Ukraine, and its activities for compliance with the principles and criteria of the “New” and “Global” approaches are investigated, in particular, regarding the compliance with the international presumption of conformity principle as the necessary condition for the effectiveness of such activities.uk-UAгармонізовані стандартипринцип презумції відповідальностіорган з оцінки відповідальностіакредитаціясфера акредитаціїharmonized standardspresumption of conformity principleconformity assessment bodyaccreditationscope of accreditationМІЖНАРОДНИЙ ПРИНЦИП ПРЕЗУМПЦІЇ ВІДПОВІДНОСТІ ТА ЙОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ В ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ОРГАНУ З ОЦІНКИ ВІДПОВІДНОСТІ ДЕРЖАВНОГО НАУКОВО-ДОСЛІДНОГО ІНСТИТУТУ МВС УКРАЇНИ. INTERNATIONAL PRINCIPLE OF CONFORMITY AND ITS SUPPORT IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE BODY OF AN ESTIMATION OF THE CONFORMITY OF THE STATE RESEARCH INSTITUTE MIA UKRAINEArticle