КИРИЛЕНКО, Оксана МиколаївнаKYRYLENKO, OksanaЛУК’ЯНЕНКО, Максим ОлександровичLUKIANENKO, MaksymНОВАК, Валентина ОлексіївнаNOVAK, ValentynaГУРІНА, Ганна СергіївнаHURINA, HannaРАЗУМОВА, Катерина МиколаївнаRAZUMOVA, Kateryna2023-08-312023-08-312023http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25134Доведене значення транспорту для забезпечення сталого розвитку економіки країни. Досліджено питання вирішення кризи у транспортній галузі. Розглянуто окремі аспекти забезпечення роботи транспорту та науково обґрунтовані шляхи подолання кризи, що виникла у зв’язку з бойовими діями на території України. Обґрунтовано потребу у високорозвиненій транспортній системі як необхідний фактор забезпечення інтеграції до європейської і світової економіки. The relevance of the topic is proved due to many factors that directly affect the development of the transport industry, in particular, air, rail and other types of transport in Ukraine. The importance of transport for ensuring the sustainable development of the country's economy is substantiated. Issues related to the development and solution of some transport problems in Ukraine are studied. Emphasis was placed on the need for constructive solutions to a number of economic, technical, environmental, personnel and labor protection issues. In order to solve a number of problems of the transport industry, examples of the implementation of technical tasks are considered and substantiated, which are quite simple in theory, but extremely important and complex when implementing them into the practice of enterprises. After all, they need regular updating of equipment, because as a result of the development of scientific and technological progress, more advanced, but expensive technologies are constantly appearing, which are not available to all transport enterprises and require compensation from the state. Among the many economic problems that occur in the activities of aviation industry enterprises, the special importance of large taxes was identified. Conclusions were drawn about the need for an optimal combination of state regulation and a healthy competitive market. Some aspects of ensuring the functioning of the transport industry and scientifically sound future ways of its development are considered. The main aspects of ensuring the work of the transport industry of Ukraine are scientifically substantiated, which are based on a systematic approach, the implementation of which will allow adapting to changes caused by the influence of the external environment. The necessity of a highly developed transport system as a necessary factor for ensuring integration into the European and world economy is proved.uk-UAтранспорт, транспортні підприємства, транспортно-логістична система, транспортна інфраструктура, авіаційні перевезення, залізничні сполучення, логістичні ризикиtransport, transport enterprises, transport and logistics system, transport infrastructure, air transport, railway connections, logistic risksДЕЯКІ АСПЕКТИ ПОДОЛАННЯ ТРАНСПОРТНОЇ КРИЗИ В УКРАЇНІ. SOME ASPECTS OF OVERCOMING THE TRANSPORT CRISIS IN UKRAINEArticle