Марченко, Олександр СергіовичMarchenko, Oleksandr2023-10-032023-10-032019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25693The article considers the necessity of increasing the effectiveness of training of the staff of the subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the development of training aids for this purpose, in particular, the training grenade of sound effects of multiple use to strengthen the staff of the subdivisions of the National Police of Ukraine skills of safe behavior and effective use of flash-bang grenades “Teren-7M”. According to Article 42 of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”, a police commissioner to stop unlawful acts shall apply special means, a list of which is defined in Article 45 of the same Law [1]. At the same time, the level of professional training of an employee is determined not only by the ability to correctly assess the degree of necessity to use a special tool, but also by his or her ability to apply it effectively and to the maximum extent possible. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that the ability is acquired during training sessions. Creating reusable means of training is necessary for a positive solution to the issue of the important method of education, i.e. constant practice of special means application both during the educational process in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system and during regular trainings of personnel in the course of service, especially for practice of employee’s actions in extreme situations, such as counteraction to an armed offender. The necessity of creating a training grenade of sound effects of multiple use for training personnel in skills and techniques when using the light and sound grenade “Teren-7M”, which is due to the danger of this grant in case of violation of the rules of application, has been justified. For the purpose of choosing the optimal design of the training device, the analysis of the available training grenades for different purposes both in Ukraine and abroad was carried out. It has been established that in Ukraine there are training grenades for training personnel in the skills and techniques of using combat grenades (RGD-5, F-1 and others). According to the code, training grenades of sound impact are widely used, in which blank cartridges of different calibers are used to create a sound effect. However, such grenades cannot be used by the employees of the National Police of Ukraine, because their design does not fully reproduce the sequence of operations when using the light and sound grenade “Teren-7M”. Therefore, we have developed a design of the training grenade of sound effect of multiple use, which includes the possibility of conducting full-scale training, organized the development and manufacture of an effective model of training grenade, as well as testing its operability and handling comfort.uk-UAсвітлозвукова гранатанавчально-тренувальна гранатаособовий складбезпека поводженняефективність застосуванняlight and sound grenadetraining grenadepersonnelsafety of handlingefficiency of applicationОСОБЛИВОСТІ КОНСТРУКЦІЇ НАВЧАЛЬНО-ТРЕНУВАЛЬНОЇ ГРАНАТИ ЗВУКОВОЇ ДІЇ БАГАТОРАЗОВОГО ВИКОРИСТАННЯ. FEATURES OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TRAINING GRENADE OF SOUND EFFECT OF MULTIPLE USEArticle