Нємкова, Олена АнатоліївнаNiemkova, OlenaШандра, Зіновій АнтоновичShandra, Zinovii2023-10-012023-10-012019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25675The article is devoted to an experimental study of the influence of external electromagnetic fields of various natures, as well as the most probable internal causes that arise during computer operation on authentication templates of internal electrical noise. As authentication templates of computer noise, bit and peak templates were used, which were calculated from the values of the normalized autocorrelation functions of discrete samples of internal electrical noise, as well as the corresponding thresholds were calculated. The use of such templates is possible due to the property of the autocorrelation function of stationary noise to maintain a constant shape. The presence of strong external electromagnetic fields can distort the noise measured by the ADC of the computer so that the distance between the current template and the template, measured in the absence of electromagnetic disturbances, is greater than the threshold. The instability of internal electrical noise may be due to the operation of a pulse- width converter of the power supply (DC/AC), which is possible with a variable load on the central processor. The effects of various factors that could be causing instability of internal electrical noise were measured using a laptop with a low noise level. It was experimentally proved that such factors as the operation of the central processor with an average load (the average load on the cores of the central processor was 68 %), the operation of the video card in the movie viewing mode (without sound), fluctuations in the external temperature from 5 °C to 36 °C, work office and household appliances, including mobile and radiotelephones, the conditions of electric transport do not affect the template within the authentication threshold. External factors that can significantly affect the pattern, such as intense electromagnetic radiation in close proximity to airports, broadcast towers, or in pre-thunderstorm weather, have a fairly low implementation risk, of the order of 3–5 %, therefore, re-conducting noise measurement at subsequent times will enable authentication.uk-UAаутентифікаційний шаблонвнутрішні електричні шумикомп'ютерзовнішні електромагнітні поляфактор ризикуauthentication templateinternal electrical noisea computerexternal electromagnetic fieldsrisk factorСТАБІЛЬНВСТЬ АВТЕНТИФІКАЦІЙНИХ ОЗНАК ВНУТРІШНІХ ЕЛЕКТРИЧНИХ ШУМІВ КОМ'ПЮТЕРІВ. STABILITY OF AUTHENTICATION SIGNS OF INTERNAL ELECTRICAL NOISE OF COMPUTERSArticle