Филь, Р.С.Fyl, R.S.2023-09-212023-09-212018http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25553The paper presents the rationale for the new approach to the analysis of the fragmentation of the explosion, as a striking factor in the explosion of ammunition and improvised explosive devices based on them. Information was provided on the distribution of the dependence of the mass of fragments on their quantity and the type of detonated ammunition. The calculation of the speed of fragments from the epicenter of the explosion, depending on the power of the explosive charge. Based on the obtained values of the velocities and the mass of the fragment, the distances of the dispersal of the fragments upon detonation of the most common types of ammunition are determined. Based on the gas-dynamic theory, the strength of the contact interaction of the fragment with a biological object is indicated. The law of contact pressure distribution is given. The graphic dependence of the change in contact pressure on a biological object from time is shown at different speeds of movement of the fragment. Applying the Poisson law to the distribution density of fragments, they calculate the probability of their damage to a biological object from the speed with which they move. A model is proposed for calculating the degree of damage to a person by fragments, depending on their mass, speed and shape. Cases of the defeat of a person by shrapnel, which fly forward or have the shape of a square, are considered. Dependence of determining the conditional probability of injury to a person by splinters in the explosion of ammunition, which allows determine the affected area from the epicenter of the explosion or calculate the location of protective engineering structures with certain parameters. When calculating the integral function of damage to biological objects, parameters are given for fragments of relatively small mass with a blunt and cutting edge, as well as large primary or secondary fragments. The presented mathematical model for defining fragmentation zones with ammunition and improvised explosive devices based on them is recommended for practical identification by the officers of the National Police of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine of cordoning zones during mass events and counterterrorism operations.uk-UAбоєприпасисаморобний вибуховий пристрійосколкиураження людининебезпечні відстаніammunitionhomemade explosive devicefragmentshuman damagedangerous distancesОцінка небезпечних відстаней осколкового ураження боєприпасами та саморобними вибуховими пристроями. ASSESSMENT OF DANGEROUS DISTANCE FOR FRAGMENTATION EFFECTS OF MUNITIONS AND IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICESArticle