Доброскок, Андрій ЮрійовичDobroskok, Andrii2019-09-262019-09-262019-09http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/14710Дисертаційну роботу присвячено обґрунтуванню кримінологічної характеристики вандалізму, а також формулюванню теоретичних узагальнень і пропозицій щодо підвищення ефективності запобігання вандалізму в сучасних суспільно-політичних та економічних умовах розвитку держави. У роботі з’ясовано сутність і правову природу вандалізму як об’єкта кримінологічного дослідження, визначено його поняття та характерні ознаки. Проаналізовано мотиваційну сферу вандалізму та систематизовано мотиви вандальної поведінки. Здійснено класифікацію вандалізму за різноманітними критеріями. Визначено систему кримінально караних виявів вандалізму, а також обґрунтовано підстави його криміналізації. Висвітлено сучасний стан і тенденції вандалізму в Україні. Наведено кримінологічну характеристику осіб, які вчиняють злочини вандальної спрямованості. Визначаються та узагальнюються основні детермінанти, що впливають на вчинення вандалізму в Україні. Обґрунтовано основні напрями запобігання вандалізму в Україні та визначено шляхи підвищення ефективності протидії злочинам вандальної спрямованості в сучасних умовах. Диссертационная работа посвящена обоснованию криминологической характеристики вандализма, а также формулировке теоретических обобщений и предложений по повышению эффективности предупреждения вандализма в современных общественно-политических и экономических условиях развития государства. The thesis reveals the criminological profile of vandalism, as well as theoretical generalizations and proposals for increasing the effectiveness of prevention of vandalism in modern socio-political and economic conditions of the State’s development. The negative features, which make it possible to outline the manifestation of modern vandalism and to testify to the importance and urgency of its scientific research, have been determined. A comparative study of scientific definitions of vandalism and approaches to understanding of its features and essential characteristics has been carried out, as well as their strengths and weaknesses have been defined. Based on the research, the signs of vandalism have been justified and author’s definition of vandalism has been formulated. The subjective characteristics of vandalism and its motivational background have been investigated. The advantages and disadvantages of justified classifications of vandalism, based on the motives of its commission have been reasonabled. On the basis of the conducted research and the generalization of the results of the study of materials of criminal proceedings, the author’s classification of motives of vandal behavior has been substantiated. The author’s classification of vandalism is based on the study of the relevant scientific approaches to the understanding of the nature of vandalism, the analysis of the acts of vandalism that captured the attention of a broader audience, the generalization of the most typical cases of vandalism, which have been documented by the units of the National Police in recent years. The genesis of establishing legal liability for acts of vandalism in both national and foreign law has been proved. The disadvantages of the current legislation in the area of legal expertise of vandalism have been identified. The author’s view on the system of criminal punitive acts which can be qualified as vandalism has been grounded. The feasibility of using the general term «vandalism» has been proved to indicate all criminal acts, which include the signs of vandalism. The flaws of legislative regulation of responsibility for vandalism have been found out, as well as proposals for their overcoming have been substantiated. The current state and trends of vandalism in Ukraine have been analyzed, based on the description of quantitative and qualitative indicators of dissemination of crimes of vandalism nature. The necessity of taking measures aimed at obtaining accurate and reliable information about the state and trends of vandalism in Ukraine has been substantiated. The theoretical and practical significance of the criminological profile of persons who committed vandalism has been found out; the reasons that make it impossible to provide an extended criminological profile of the vandals have been established; measures aimed at increasing the reliability and objectiveness of such characterization have been determined. General theoretical views on the identity of the perpetrator and the structure of the former have been researched and on the basis of the study the author’s view on the system of signs characterizing the identity of the vandal has been grounded. The scientific approaches to the ordering and classification of such determinants have been analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages have been determined. Based on the generalization of the science-based literature, as well as materials of criminal proceedings in cases of vandalism, the author's classification of the determinants of vandalism has been substantiated. The essence and the content of prevention as the basic category of criminological science have been determined. The law-based approaches to the definition of the term «prevention» have been substantiated and based on the study the author’s definition of «prevention of vandalism» has been justified. On the basis of the study, it has been concluded that the tripartite structure of preventive activity in counteracting vandalism is the most acceptable. Within this structure the measures of general social, special and individual prevention of vandalism have been highlighted and the author’s definition of these categories have been formulated. The main directions of general social, special and individual prevention of vandalism have been determined.uk-UAвандалізмвандальна поведінказагальносоціальна профілактика вандалізмуобщесоциальная профилактика вандализмаvandalismgeneral social prevention of vandalismКримінологічна характеристика та запобігання вандалізму в Україні. Criminological profile and prevention of vandalism in Ukraine.Криминологическая характеристика и предотвращение вандализма в Украине.Book