Власов, В.А.Vlasov, V.A.Гутянтов, С.В.Hutiantov, S.V.Біляєва, О.Д.Biliaieva, O.D.Криворучко, О.В.Kryvoruchko, O.V.2023-09-232023-09-232018http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25570The paper analyzes the development of production in Ukraine of non-lethal (traumatic) cartridges intended for shooting from short-barreled devices of non-lethal force and smooth-bore rifles. Their tactical and technical characteristics are considered: caliber, overall dimensions (length, diameter), mass of the ball, velocity of the ball at a distance of 3.5 m from the bullous cut, the diameter of the scattering (bulk density), the mass of the cartridge, the distance of application, and others. The general technical requirements of JOE 78-41-016: 2013 are given to cartridges, used by manufacturers in designing technical specifications, namely: basic characteristics and specifications, requirements for designation, reliability, constructive requirements. The schematic representation of cartridges for smoothbore rifles, equipped with an elastic ball and cartridge, a general view of non-lethal impact pistol and revolving cartridges, a ballistic barrel for measuring the flight speed of a projectile, with indication of the requirements for the material from which the trunk must be made, is shown. The classification conclusion on cartridges of non-lethal action based on medical- biological researches of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is substantiated. In view of the aforesaid information, the paper contains a classification conclusion . The main criteria for determining the severity of the damage to a biological object have been noted. The necessity of mandatory certification of non-lethal (traumatic) cartridges for compliance with the requirements of normative documents and the development of technical regulations is considered. The information provided in the paper may be used by forensic units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for ballistic research of firearms and traumatic weapons and cartridges to it.uk-UAпатрони травматичної (несмертельної) діїпристрої травматичної (несмертельної) діїгладкоствольна зброясертифікаціяcartridges of traumatic (non-lethal) actiondevices of traumatic (non-lethal) actionsmooth-bore weaponscertificationДослідження патронів травматичної дії, які виробляються в Україні. INVESTIGATION OF TRAUMATIC ACTION CARTRIDGE PRODUCED IN UKRAINEArticle