Мамотенко, Петро ІвановичMamotenko, Petro2023-10-022023-10-022019http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25683The article highlights the mechanism of reaction between the esters of cyanoacrylic acid with amino acids and water contained in sweat and adipose substance. Examples of the suitability of the cyanoacrylate method for the detection of hand marks on different types of surfaces under study are given. It is noted that the proposed method is most suitable for the identification of hand marks on surfaces such as polyethylene films, cellophane, various types of metals and alloys, plastics, glossy dense cardboard, glossy and copying paper, smooth leather substitute. Attention is drawn to the fact that the method is not suitable for detecting traces on porous surfaces (paper, unpainted cardboard, wood, the like). It is emphasized that after detection of traces of cyanoacrylate, it becomes impossible to conduct biomedical studies of the sweat and adipose. The advantages and disadvantages of the cyanoacrylate method are analyzed, and the methods of its application with the help of cyanoacrylate chambers (atmospheric type and vacuum) and gas burners are given. The peculiarities of chamber design (atmospheric type and vacuum) are considered, comparative analysis is carried out, advantages and disadvantages of their use are shown, in particular, due to their design. Design and principle of functioning of the prototype of cyanoacrylate and vacuum chamber for detection of latent handprints developed by the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in cooperation with Shostak V. V. on request of the State Research and Expert and Criminalistic Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine within the framework of the research and development work “Development and production of the prototype of the vacuum chamber for detection of latent handprints by cyanoacrylate method”, cipher “Vacuum” are considered. Highlighted the advantages of the developed prototype, in particular: the absence of overexposure of traces due to the exclusion from the process of polymerization of the “background” catalyst due to atmospheric moisture; uniform manifestation of handprints on long objects regardless of their position inside the working chamber due to the uniform distribution of cyanoacrylate vapor throughout the working volume and effective detection of traces, even on tightly adjoining surfaces. The necessity of equipping the forensic units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with cyanoacrylate cameras and introduction of cyanoacrylate method to expand the possibility of detecting latent handprints and create conditions for increasing the efficiency of work of forensic experts.uk-UAціанакриловий методціанакрилатна камераціанакрилатилатентні слідипотожирова речовинаcyanoacrylate methodcyanoacrylate chambercyanoacrylatelatent tracessweat and adipose substanceЗАСТОСУВАННЯ ЦІАНАКРИЛОВОГО МЕТОДУ ВИЯВЛЕННЯ ЛАТЕНТНИХ СЛІДІВ РУК ІЗ ВИКОРИСТАННЯМ ВАКУУМНОЇ КАМЕРИ. THE HARNESSING OF CIANOACRYLATE METHOD OF DETECTING LATENT HANDPRINTS USING A VACUUM CHAMBERArticle