БРИГІНЕЦЬ, Олександр ОлексійовичBRYHINETS, Oleksandr Oleksiiovych2023-09-192023-09-192021http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/25459У статті наголошується на тому, що для ефективного забезпечення фінансової безпеки громадян України вкрай важливим є досягнення належного рівня податкової безпеки держави, як базового структурного елементу фінансової безпеки держави. Визначено загрози, що впливають на сучасний стан вітчизняної податкової безпеки держави. Досліджено низку нормативно-правових актів, якими регулюється забезпечення податкової безпеки України. Визначено комплекс дій, що є оптимальним для підвищення рівня податкової безпеки України. The paper notes that in order to effectively ensure financial the safety of citizens of Ukraine is extremely important to achieve an appropriate level of tax security of the state as a basic structural element of financial state security. Identified threats affecting the current state the domestic tax security of the state. A number of regulatory and legal acts regulating the provision of tax security in Ukraine. A set of actions has been determined that is optimal for increasing the level of tax security of Ukraine. Politics should become the basis of state tax security ensuring the safety of domestic producers, because they are the most payers of taxes and fees, guarantors of a developed economic system, a source of employment in a market economy. Many problems getting in the way the study of tax security is explained by the fact that «tax security state» as a term is practically not regulated in the legislation of our state, its specifics and the composition of threats that can cause him significant harm. The vast majority of domestic and foreign scientists, considering issues of tax security, focus on micro-level, namely on the tax security of enterprises. While this the problem requires in-depth development and a systematic approach to determining the concept of «tax security» is precisely at the macro level of the study of the tax state security. To ensure the proper level of tax security it is necessary to determine its current state, the main components and factors of influence, examining the features of the functioning of the domestic tax system. It was noted that the future cooperation of the State Tax Service of Ukraine and Bureau of Economic Security will help eliminate duplication of functions law enforcement and reducing unnecessary and unjustified pressure on taxpayers, and will also help improve efficiency investigation of economic crimes and improve Ukrainian investment attractiveness.uk-UAподаткова безпека державифінансова безпека державибезпекаtax security of the statefinancial security of the statesecuritуАКТУАЛЬНІ ПИТАННЯ ПРАВОВОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ПОДАТКОВОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ УКРАЇНИ. CURRENT ISSUES OF LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF TAX SECURITY OF UKRAINEArticle