Оперук, В. І.Operuk, V.2017-02-102017-02-102014http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/889На основі судово-слідчої практики розслідування кримінальних проваджень розглянуто типові слідчі ситуації, а також слідову картину, що утворюється в разі аварій і катастроф на залізничному транспорті. The author of the article states that the development of rail transport in people’s lives is not only beneficial, but also negative consequences, including high levels of vehicle accidents and accidents. That is why the author analyzing special criminological literature and forensic practice of investigation of crimes of abovementioned category the author has set the most widespread investigative situations found in practice of the police. In the author’s opinion, the most common investigative situations occurring during accidents and disasters on the railways are: railway rolling stock going off the rails, running into car vehicles or outside objects, deliberate destruction of the railways or road constructions. During the investigation of the given situation the author in each situation indicates possible technical reasons climbing railway rolling stock rails. In addition to the reasons the author explores the trace pattern and factors that may affect trace picture.uk-UAзалізничний транспорт, залізничні колії, об’єкти залізничної інфраструктури,аварії та катастрофи на залізниці, слідова картина.railway transport, rails, railway infrastructure facilities,accidents and disasters on the railways, trace pattern (picture)Характеристика типових слідчих ситуацій при аваріях та катастрофах на залізничному транспорті. Characteristics of typical investigative situations in accidents and disasters on railway transportOther