Статтю присвячено аналізу сучасного стану та особливостям розвитку підприємств машинобудівного сектору в Україні. У статті розглянуто виробничі та фінансові показники сектору, а також проблеми та виклики, з якими стикаються підприємства; зокрема, роль держави та міжнародну співпрацю у розвитку машинобудівного сектору, а також інновації та технологічний розвиток. Запропоновано шляхи вирішення проблем підприємств машинобудівного сектору в Україні, такі як підтримка експорту, інновацій та наукових досліджень, розвиток інфраструктури та підвищення кваліфікації працівників. The paper is devoted to the analysis of the current state and features of the development of enterprises in the machine-building industry of Ukraine. The purpose of the paper, based on the analysis of literary sources and statistical data, is to investigate the prospects for the development of the machine-building industry in Ukraine and to highlight the main factors affecting its development. The paper emphasizes the importance of the machine-building sector as a key branch of industry and the national economy as a whole, examines methods of research of enterprises in the machine-building sector, production and financial indicators of the industry, as well as problems and challenges faced by the business. In particular, the most important factors affecting the market situation of the machine-building sector in Ukraine, indicators of the efficiency of the use of production capacities, the role of the state and international cooperation in the development of the machine-building industry, as well as innovative and technological development will be considered. The experience of the development of the machine-building industry in other countries, in particular in Europe and Asia, was studied. The problems of the machine-building sector in Ukraine are revealed, namely: lack of a powerful market, lack of access to financing, low level of innovativeness and technological soundness of production, low level of qualification of the workforce. It was determined that the development of the machine-building sector requires a complex approach and decisive actions on the part of the state and enterprises. The need to develop and implement a strategy that will be aimed at increasing the efficiency of using and developing the potential of the machine-building sector of Ukraine and at creating high-tech products that will meet the requirements of international markets has been proven. This material will offer ways to solve the problems of enterprises in the machine-building industry of Ukraine, such as support for exports, innovations and scientific research, development of infrastructure and logistics, and improvement of employee qualifications.
машинобудівний сектор, , виробничі показники, фінансові показники, інновації, технологічний розвиток, експорт, державна підтримка, міжнародна співпраця, конкурентність, machine-building sector, production indicators, financial indicators, innovations, technological development, export, state support, international cooperation, competitiveness