Психологічна допомога під час переживання горя вдовами працівників правоохоронних органів.Psychological Assistence in Grief Going Throuth by Law Enforcement Officers’ Widows
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Розглянуто психоемоційний стан жінок, чоловіки яких загинули під час бойових дій або виконання службових обов’язків. Запропоновано методики групової психокорекції. Аргументовано необхідність надання психологічної допомоги цим особам незалежно від строку вдівства.Рассмотрено психоэмоциональное состояние женщин, мужья которых погибли во время боевых действий или при исполнении служебного долга. Предложены методики групповой психокоррекции. Аргументирована необходимость оказания психологической помощи данным лицам, несмотря на срок вдовства.In the article it is examined the psychological state of women the husbands of which perished during battle actions or executing an official debt. The methods of group psychological correction are proposed. The necessity of psychological help is confirmed, without regard to the term of widowhood. A lot of women presently are in a state of grief of irreparable bereavement of loved one. It is stressed itself. Taking into account the level of stress in nowadays society, the mental condition of widows even deepens. In this connection we made attempt to analyze the psychological features of grieving. It is known that work with grieving is a process which includes multilevel psychological changes. New psychological reality is formed for the personality, and it influences on psychological adaptation in new, often cardinally changed terms of existence. As grief is a natural process, so a personality goes through it without a professional help in most cases. But sometimes the process of grieving can be transformed in development of illness: a personality «sticks» on the certain stage of bereavement syndrome. It is also to be noted that the principal reason of the pathological, complicated grief are: sudden, tragic death of loved person and situations of uncertainly (lost in action, not buried). On the moment 17 women take part in the research. Age of participants is from 27 to 60 years. The first group (7 women), husbands of which perished more than three years ago, taking into account Afghan War veterans. The second group (10 women) has a term of widowhood up to three years. On this stage the observation of two groups of women allows to make such conclusions: There is some negative influence of a general stress level in society to the psychological state of women, which can result in the appearance of interpersonal deficits. One of major aspects there is an absence of emotional comfort and protracted period of adaptation. In addition, there is a high level of social avoidance among women. The methods of group therapy confirmed the value of creativity as helping factor to improve self-acceptance and emotional comfort. The development of maladaptive manifestation in the self-acceptance and acceptance of others was traced through healing letters. This method can detect violations of individual psychological comfort and promptly conduct a correction.
вдови, групова психокорекція, горе, синдром втрати, адаптація, емоційний комфорт, інтернальність, вдовы, вдовы, горе, синдром потери, адаптация, эмоциональный комфорт, интернальность, widows, group psychological correction, grief, bereavement syndrome, adaptation, emotional comfort, internality