Ідея «праведного закону» Тараса Шевченка як сутнісний напрям вітчизняного законодавства.Taras Shevchenko’s idea of the «righteous law» as the essential direction of the development of domestic legislation

dc.contributor.authorКривицький, Юрій Віталійови
dc.contributor.authorKryvytskyi, Yurii
dc.descriptionКривицький Ю. В. Ідея «праведного закону» Тараса Шевченка як сутнісний напрям вітчизняного законодавства / Ю. В. Кривицький // Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія Право. – 2014. – Вип. 26. – С. 16 – 20. Kryvytskyi Y. V. Taras Shevchenko’s idea of the «righteous law» as the essential direction of the development of domestic legislation / Y. V. Kryvytskyi // Scientific herald of Uzhhorod National University. Series Law. – 2014. – Output. 26. – P. 16 – 20.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуто ідею «праведного закону» Тараса Шевченка в якості сутнісного вектору розвитку вітчизняного законодавства. Проаналізовано значеннєві форми слова «закон» у поетичних творах Кобзаря. Особливу увагу приділено дослідженню зв’язку ідеї «праведного закону» Тараса Шевченка з сучасною концепцією правового закону. In the article Taras Shevchenko’s idea of the «righteous law» was considered as the essential vector of development of domestic legislation. The semantic forms of the word «law» were analysed in the poetic works of Kobza-player. The special attention was given to research of the relationship Taras Shevchenko’s ideas of the «righteous law» with the modern conception of legal law. Taras Shevchenko is an outstanding poet and artist who has done for the revival and formation of modern Ukraine no longer any political and public figure, was revived in the Ukrainian people’s self-respect and self-public-legal existence, including by reflecting in his poetic creativity of ideas «righteous law». The word «law» in poetic works T.G. Shevchenko is used as the value of general social regulator of social relations, and legal – normative legal act of higher legal force. Taras Shevchenko dreamed of «righteous law» in Ukraine, that is, on the legal, equitable law, underlining the unrighteousness laws of tsarist Russia for serfs and oppressed peoples who were part of it. The Kobzar’s idea of the «righteous law» is the domestic contribution to the global struggle for the need to establish the conformity of the law, first, moral standards, secondly, objective principles of law – the principles of justice, equality, freedom. The «righteous law» in their meaningful sources intersects, coincides with the concept of truth, verity and justice in the law. In traditional universal concepts of «truth», «will», «justice», «law», by T.G. Shevchenko argues that the law adopted by the absolutist state power, should not be regarded as righteous, righteousness, because in its content it does not conform to popular notions about the legal establishment of the Supreme power. In his thinking, and the influence of natural-legal concept: the concept of «truth», «will», «righteous law» are considered them as components of natural laws, laws of social justice, designed to act in civil society and the state. Investing in the concept of «righteous law», the content of which is wider than the proclamation of equality, T.G. Shevchenko dreamed about the implementation of social equality and political freedom, legal legitimacy. «Righteous law» was the inspiration of our prophet. Such a law he tended to see the renewed Ukrainian society.uk_UA
dc.subjectТарас Шевченкоuk_UA
dc.subjectдержавно-правові поглядиuk_UA
dc.subjectправедний законuk_UA
dc.subjectправовий законuk_UA
dc.subjectTaras Shevchenkouk_UA
dc.subjectstate and legal viewsuk_UA
dc.subjectrighteous lawuk_UA
dc.subjectlegal lawuk_UA
dc.titleІдея «праведного закону» Тараса Шевченка як сутнісний напрям вітчизняного законодавства.Taras Shevchenko’s idea of the «righteous law» as the essential direction of the development of domestic legislationuk_UA
local.departmentКафедра теорії держави та права.uk_UA
local.udk340.15 (477)uk_UA
local.vidЗбірники наукових праць, матеріали конференцій (семінарів, круглих столів).uk_UA
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