Технології розвитку індивідуально-психологічних рис психолога пенітенціарних установ.The Technologies of Personal Psychological Traits Development of Psychologists at Penitentiary Institutions

dc.contributor.authorСтріха, Сергій Володимирович
dc.description.abstractДосліджено питання щодо створення технологій розвитку особистісних якостей психологів пенітенціарних установ. Доведено, що розвиток індивідуальних психологічних рис зазначених осіб передбачає визначення домінуючих ознак, які суттєво впливають на ефективність професійної діяльності.Исследованы вопросы создания технологий развития личностных качеств психологов пенитенциарных учреждений. Доказано, что развитие индивидуальных психологических черт данных лиц предусматривает определение доминирующих признаков, которые существенно влияют на эффективность профессиональной деятельности.The paper is devoted to the issues of creating technologies to develop personal psychological traits of penitentiary institutions psychologists. These traits are the necessary conditions for the effective performance of their functional activity. The main purpose of this paper is to identify technologies to develop individual psychological traits of psychologists of penitentiary institutions. The development of individual psychological traits of psychologists of penitentiary institutions provides the definition of dominant traits that affect the efficiency of the professional activity significantly. The main attention is paid to the description of these psychological techniques, such as autogenous and ideomotor training, consulting and training work for the formation of self-confidence and, consequently, professional activity. Autogenic training is conducted to enable the respondents regarding the relaxation of tension both physical and psychological ability to learn how to regulate their own mental state before and during the performance of functional tasks. Psychological counseling is considered the main type of psychological practice and put forward itself the following objectives: respondent to provide operational assistance in solving internal problems; to provide assistance in resolving the issues without interference from the consultant. Such problem was the problem of time management – optimal for a regime of work and rest, rational allocation of time between different activities; Ideomotor training aimed at working out mental right action when performing tasks in difficult and complicated conditions occupational functioning. The main aim was the formation of ideomotor training models of dynamic stereotypes correct action. The method does not only mentally, but also gradually and visually perform the right action in the performance of functional tasks of consolidating stereotypes on the conscious level. Shaping stereotypes person action establishes a conditioned reflex that can actualize in certain situations causing accuracy action. The dynamics of stereotypes was in order to enable the respondent to choose the correct action under certain conditions. The training program encompassed five trainings, 8 astronomical hours each. Training was conducted by two coaches that carried content-search work with respondents correcting their actions and recording various stylistic behaviors of respondents. The purpose of the first workshop is to determine the content and nature of the problems of self-confidence, insecurity, aggression and evasion address the situations that arise. At the second workshop was to define the characteristics of different behaviors of others, compared with their behaviors seen and identify those attributes that impede confident behavior training participants. The purpose of the third training was the positive rethinking behavior in complex situations and forming the right model confident behavior of the training. The purpose of the fourth training was practical working right action while overcoming difficult professional situations. The confident behavior has several characteristics that distinguish it from other behaviors. In role-playing games, each respondent was able to play the situation by using different styles of behavior. The main task for all participants of the training was to determine and fix the conditions and characteristics using different behaviors. Thus, each participant of the training was to determine the behavior of other participants during the role-playing games (performance related tasks) and fix what features offered above behaviors were seen in the behavior of people. The purpose of the fifth, the last training cycle of general training session was to study experience processing behavior and create individual, for each participant training programs to improve the style of confident behavior in dealing with difficult situations. The trainings included cognitive, emotional, instrumental and regulatory components. The main areas of training are definition and coordination of understanding the meaning of concepts of confident, insecure, aggressive behavior and avoidance of behavior problems that arise. Based on respondents’ awareness and definition of the concepts, it had been possible to consider the situation that arose during the performance of functional duties by psychologists of penitentiary institutions. Thus fixing complications arising from the implementation of appropriate models of behavior psychologists, it had been possible to define confident and determined behavior of the respondents. Based on the training the overall conclusion that the successful work of trainees completed the discussion of individual program. Based on the training it had been possible to come to the conclusion that the successful work of trainees has to be completed in discussion of individual program. The technologies, which are used in our research, give us opportunity to show a positive dynamics of changing individual psychological traits of psychologists of penitentiary institutions that significantly affect the performance of professional functions.uk_UA
dc.subjectриси особистостіuk_UA
dc.subjectчерты личностиuk_UA
dc.subjectpersonality traitsuk_UA
dc.titleТехнології розвитку індивідуально-психологічних рис психолога пенітенціарних установ.The Technologies of Personal Psychological Traits Development of Psychologists at Penitentiary Institutionsuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeТехнологии развития индивидуально-психологических черт психолога пенитенциарных учрежденийuk_UA
local.vidНаукові періодичні видання, мультимедійні презентації, засоби контролю знань, спеціалізовані компьютерні програми.uk_UA
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