Соціально-психологічні детермінанти виникнення дефектів правової соціалізації підлітків.

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Розглянуто причини виникнення дефектів правової соціалізації підлітків, що впливають на динаміку злочинності та формування особистості правопорушника. Визначено головні складові процесу соціалізації, серед яких: сім’я, школа, засоби масової інформації, безпосереднє соціальне середовище. З’ясовано умови й чинники, що спричиняють дефекти правової соціалізації сучасного підлітка.Рассмотрены причины возникновения дефектов правовой социализации подростков, влияющие на динамику преступности и формирование личности правонарушителя. Определены главные составляющие процесса социализации, среди которых: семья, школа, средства массовой информации, непосредственное социальное окружение. Выяснены условия и факторы, порождающие дефекты правовой социализации современного подростка.In the article there are the considered reasons of origin of defects of legal socialization of teenagers which influence on a crime and forming of personality of offender wave. To the basic constituents of process of socialization attributed: family, school, mass medias, direct social surroundings. Found out terms and factors which generate the defects of legal socialization of modern teenager. To such factors, in the first turn, it follows to take unhappyfamilies, that does not only execute the functions fixed on them by society but also present a that high risk group, that with greater probability able to become criminogenic factors, to determine criminal behaviour, determining early desocialization. For the second, at school a child not only seizes necessary knowledge are certain but also joins in the accessible to her types of social activity, enters into meaningful for her relationships with contemporarysand teachers. Unfortunately, school as an institute of socialization in the conditions of present time can become and by a desocialization factor at presence of certain pre-conditions. A next factor is a group, because in her teenagers cognize itself, the capabilities, weak and strong parties. A group amends in formed family the personality valued presentations mastered as early as babyhood. As now different after belonging groups (family, school, contemporarysand other) enter into co-operation, a teenager runs into contradictions. It allows to him to compare, to analyse, to criticize the different systems of values, that brings an origin over of defects of legal socialization of teenagers as a result. It is also necessary to distinguish, another such factor, such as mass medias. They are able both to assert spiritual values and render negative influence on public and individual consciousness, influencing on the level of her criminogenic.
підліток, соціалізація, сім’я, школа, група, подросток, социализация, школа, группа, teenager, socialization, family, school, group